Chapter 15- You're in control

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I woke with a throbbing headache. I tossed about in the crisp sheets and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I felt like shit, for more reasons than one. The growl in my stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten dinner last night. I unzipped my suitcase, digging through it for something to wear to the first client meeting today. Taking the Hawaii heat into consideration, I settled on a black skirt and short sleeved blouse set with 4 inch red stilettos.

Urgh, I was in desperate need of food and some coffee.

I brushed my teeth, pulled my hair up into a bun and hopped into the shower. As the warm water cascaded down my back, I instantly felt all the tension being released. I could've stayed in there forever if it wasn't for my stomach screaming at me to do otherwise. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore filled my room as I pulled on my outfit. It was tranquil. Add in the sounds of the birds as they flew around the building and you have yourself the best stress relieving environment one could ask for. Once dressed, I headed back into the bathroom with my little make-up travel bag in hand to add the finishing touches to my look. I wiped the water droplets of steam off the bathroom mirror with the palm of my hand and found myself staring back at an unrecognisable reflection.

The bags under my eyes made it seem as if I hadn't slept in days. My lips tingled as I touched it, seeming almost swollen, reminding me of the hunger and lust that drove that kiss from last night. I moved the stray strands of hair that dangled down the back of my neck and something caught my attention in the mirror, bringing my hands to a complete stop, my body frozen in place. A trail of red patches lined the sides of my neck all the way down to my collar bone. I was slowly going into full blown panic mode. I fished out the concealer from my bag and frantically began applying it. The bristles of my make up brush felt harsh against the sensitive spots as I blended the colour into my skin. The prickling pain sent shivers through my body. With shaky hands I finished up with a light shade of brown eye shadow and a nude glossy lip. I let my hair down in full, wavy curves bringing two parts to the front to block my neck.

A tap on the door startled me. I gave myself a once over in the mirror before heading to answer it.

"Morning," Chris smiled, looking all kinds of handsome in his black dress pants, a baby blue shirt and matching tie.

"Morning," I replied and made way for him to enter the room. "I thought we were meeting for coffee?"

"We are but I knew you wouldn't be down at the cafe yet so I am here to escort you Miss Rivera."

"Oh how sweet of you," I mocked, "lemme just get my shoes."

"Any idea what time we're meeting the clients for the meeting, or better yet where it is?" Chris asked as I gathered my purse and file with all the documents I needed for the day.

"No clue. I guess we'll find out in a little while," I shrugged, internally dreading having to look Richard in the eye today.

Down in the reception lobby area, Chris asked one of the security guards for directions to the cafe that we knew was on the resort but we didn't exactly know where. We did as instructed and eventually found ourselves outside the cafe. It was pretty busy, with people walking in and out with their orders in hand and others seated for a quiet breakfast.

"What are you having?" Chris asked as we approached the counter.

I pondered on it for a few, taking my time to scan the menus displayed on the screens above. "A chocolate croissant and the largest iced coffee they have," I told him.

He turned back and gave my order to the person at the till and continued to order an Americano and a blueberry muffin for himself. We found a table in the corner of the cafe, perfectly placed near the window that allowed the cool sea breeze to roll in. The first sip of pure, decadent iced coffee felt like heaven on my lips, slowly cooling down the heat that I still felt there.

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