Chapter 30- The truth

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"Hey, Ri-"

Richard stepped back abruptly before the person attached to the voice could even finish their sentence. I turned in my swivel chair to find Chris walking in, his nose buried in the file he was carrying.

"Hey!" My voice was high pitched and would appear suspicious to anyone who knew me well enough.

He looked up with his mouth open, ready to finish his sentence but he stopped and eyed me with confusion. His brows crinkled and I could feel the tension between him and Richard. After that scene that Jessica caused, the two of them haven't really seen eye to eye. It's a good thing that the only time they have to communicate is during meetings.

"I'll see you later," Richard said with a squeeze of my shoulder. Chris was watching him intensely and I knew I was going to get the third degree from him.once Richard left.

"Did I walk in on something?" Chris asked with a raised brow once Richard closed the door behind him and took a seat in front of me.

"No," I answered quickly.

"I thought we don't like him?" His use of WE made me want to chuckle.

"He's our boss."

"So? A lot of people don't like there boss, it's nothing new," he shrugged. "And besides, after the way he's treated you I thought you were avoiding him?"

Oh, Chris if only you knew the half of it. I was not going to tell him about my weekend endeavors but the last thing I wanted was a long speech and judging and possibly the loss of a really good friend.

"I can't avoid him forever," I told him.

"Yeah, I figured. Anyway, were you late this morning?"

Wow! The one time I get a little less sleep than I'm used too is the time everyone is looking for me at work. This is what I get for being punctual.

"Yeah, a little. Why?"

"I swung by when I got in but you weren't here. I need to run some clients by you. They're causing me to run into financial brick walls so I wanted to check if they're one of the troublesome ones."

I stretched out my hand for Chris to hand me the files and I started looking them up on my system, checking their history, financial and otherwise. A good portion of my morning went with Chris and his 20 something clients, pulling up contracts and making phone call. By 10:30 Chris grabbed us cups of coffee for the tea lounge and ran across the street to the little brassarie on the corner of the road to grab a few croissants. It was time for me to get my work out of the way and I started on the files I had collected from boss man last week.

"What's that for?" Chris asked, stuffing a piece of the soft and fluffy croissant in his mouth.

"Richard wants me to do some research on these companies."

"Which Richard?"

"Senior, dumbass."

"Okay good, because I wasn't going to help you if it was the other one," he said with a straight face. "New clients?"

"I dont know," I replied while skimming through the 3 files on my desk. They didn't hold much information, mainly just the company names and its owners or investors and a quick summary of their history. "He didn't say. All he wants is a full report on each so I'm assuming maybe new investors?"

"Or he's checking out the competition and making you gather dirt because you're good at that," he concluded with his far fetched theory that didn't quite seem all that far fetched when he said it out loud like that.

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