Chapter 2- Look like shit, feel like shit

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The blaring sound of my phone ringing woke me from the depths of sleep. What time was it?

Light creeped in through the crack in the curtain, but it wasn't enough to wake me fully. Today was meant to be my day, especially after the night I had. Waking up late, staying curled up in bed- preferably in a onesie- with a bowl of popcorn binge watching cheesy rom-coms on Netflix that we can never seem to get enough of.

But no. Some uncultured creature decided that just because they're probably at work on a Monday morning, they have the right to disturb me. My eyelids felt like concrete as I tried to open my eyes. And then the headache came instantly. Giving up on attempting to open my eyes once more, my hands fumbled for my phone on my bedside table and by some miracle I got the answer button.

"Hello?" My voice cracked as I answered the being on the other side.

"Hey, Riley. It's Candice."

Oh hell no! I was instantly awake, preparing myself for what I knew was coming. Today was NOT the day for this shit.

"What is it Candice? You know it's my day off." Yeah, like they care.

"I know, I know and I'm so sorry but boss man needs you to come in for an urgent meeting," she sounded almost sincere as she apologized. I believed it, I also know she had no choice.

"Why me? There's 2 other people that be there in my place." There was no way I was getting out of this, one of the down sides to heading a department of a massive advertising firm.

"You know he only trusts you."

Unfortunately I do. My 2 co-workers were great at their job but for some reason boss man never bothered them as much as he bothered me.

"Fine," I responded, rubbing the last remnants of sleep from my eyes. "What time do I come in?"

"The meeting is at 8 so a little while before so he can brief you on what's required."

8?? Are you kidding me?! I briefly glanced at the time on my phone, 7:13am. That was definitely not enough time for me to sober up enough for this God damn meeting.

"Riley, you still there?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm here."

"You don't have to work the whole day. You can leave once the meeting is over and boss man said you can have tomorrow off since he's troubling you today."

I rolled my eyes and felt like dropping down face first into my pillow and screaming.

"Okay, thank Candice. See you in a few." I finally gave up and decided to end the conversation there if I was ever gonna get ready on time.


When the call ended, dropping my face into my pillow and screaming is exactly what I did. My boss always did this. Since I became head of the legal department at the firm, only a year after getting hired, my boss seems to think that I'm the only legal advisor he has. He basically hired the other 2 to be my assistants. I usually don't mind because I love my job but come on, today off all days. Really?

I dragged myself out of bed and tried to pick up the pace as I navigated my way to the bathroom to wash my face and shower. Even the sound of the water gushing from the shower head gave me a splitting headache. I am never drinking again. Okay, I'm lying. I'm never drinking on a Sunday again. Yes, that sounds more reasonable. I dry off in a scurry and struggle between changing into my pants suit while attempting to blow dry my medium length brown hair. I put on a thin layer of eyeliner to emphasize my light brown eyes, a bit of concealer to hide the dark circles that were forming under my eyes and a nude lip to make me not look like a complete zombie.

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