Chapter 20- Familiarity

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"Great job this week guys. The big guy is going to be extremely pleased to know that we've bagged both clients. Its gonna be good for business," Richard complimented as we boarded the plane.

It was just early friday morning and the sun was already striking hot. I opted for salmon pink knee length khaki shorts and a nude tank top with my favourite white converse.

The last day has been extremely confusing for me. After dinner the other night, I didn't know what to make of our...interaction. The one thing I did know though was that I was not ready to accept or attach any labels to whatever happened. I spent majority of yesterday avoiding Richard and ended up dragging Chris to some, if not all, of the tourist hotspots on the island. And this morning, as we packed to leave, the most I said to Richard was Hello.

Everyone started to take their seats and just as I was about to take mine across Chris, Richard stopped me.

"Riley, can I talk to you?" He asked in what I've come to know as his 'professional' voice.

"I'll be right back," I told Chris.

"Signal if you need saving," he joked.

"Yeah?" I was not ready for anything he was about to say to me but it's not like there was a thing I could do about it when we were confined to a plane. My 1 and a half days of running has come to an end.

"We're about to take off, buckle up," he said, leading me to the seat next to his with a slight of hand.

"But I-"

"10 minutes?" He interrupted. He wasn't mad, even thoughunexpected him to be. That was good...I think.


I did as he said and within a few minutes we were in the air, on our way back home.

"You're avoiding me?" He simply asked, his facial expression unchanging. That scared me. Not knowing what a person was thinking was worse than actually knowing what they were.

"No, I'm not." I am.the worst liar I know.

"Oh yeah?" He chuckled. "So what do you call disappearing from the hotel the day after date mean to you?"

"First, it wasn't a date. I told you this," I whispered. "And second, it's called sightseeing." To be fair, I wasn't lying to him, I was just withholding certain truths.

"With Chris?"

"Yeah. Why, would you have preferred it be you?"

"Obviously." He sounded jealous but in an extremely calm way.

"Are you actually jealous?" I teased.

"Of Mr Finance? Girl, have you seen me? What is there to be jealous of?" He got defensive.

"You ARE cocky." I rolled my eyes at him and made a move to get up and go back to my seat next to Chris but, Richard being Richard, he stopped me and pulled me back down to my seat. I landed with a thud which most definitely caught the attention of everyone else on the plane. "What is WRONG with you," I whisper yelled.

"SORRY!" He mimicked my tone. "C'mon, the least you can do is sit next to me."

I chuckled cynically, "for close to 10 hours?"

"Why not?"

"You're clinically INSANE."

"Yeah and we've deduced it's because of you." Was that flirting? Was he flirting?

Ah damn, this was going to be the longest 10 hours of my life. I sank back into my seat, lowkey wishing it would swallow me whole and spit me back out when we land.

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