Chapter 35- New venture

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"Hide!" I blurted out without even thinking.

"Come again?" Riley was halfway dressed. She scrambled to button up her blouse while I looked around for my pants.

"Jesus, just get under the desk!" My brain concocted the plan while my mouth just enforced it.

"I am not getting under the desk!" She whisper yelled.

"Riley, you look freshly fucked. Do you really want my mother walking in on us like this?" I mimicked her tone as I asked.

"Sweetheart, you in there?" My mum yelled from the other end.

"Just a minute!" I yelled back while throwing my t-shirt over my head. "Now!" I mouthed to Riley.

"We are so not okay!" She grabbed her shoes and dived under the desk. Yeah, I'm gonna have to deal with the consequences of this later. When I was sure that she was out of sight I opened the door.

"Hey, ma!" I answered, overly enthusiastically.

"Ah, mijo. How are you?" She said as she came in for a giant hug.

"What are you doing here?"I asked when she finally stopped smothering me.

"Can I not stop by to see my son at work?" She pushed past me and made her way further into the office.

My heart was in my ass when I saw her headed for the chairs in front of my desk. I jogged to catch up with her in time to take a seat on my chair before she could. My mother had a weird tendency to sit on my chair whenever she came to my office so I knew I had to beat her to it. She looked at me with a confused gaze and silently took her seat across me. I noticed her taking a full 360 glance around the office.

"You redecorating?" She asked, her. eyes landing on pile of paper and stationary that had fallen off the desk.

"Uhm, not exactly." I was watching my mother closely, following her gaze. Something caught my attention on my laptop, causing my eyes to near buldge out of its sockets. Rileys bra had hooked onto the top corner of the laptop. Ma was still focused elsewhere so I reached forward to grab it as fast as I could and tossed it under the desk to Ri who gracefully accepted it with a punch to my shins. I squirmed and bumped the desk, drawing my mother's attention back to me.

"You okay?"

"Yup. Cramp," I lied. "So what's up?" I loved my mother but I wanted her out of here as soon as possible, given the circumstances.

"I was out delivering invitations for the launch so I thought it would be a good idea to stop by and give out some over here. There's a pretty redhead in HR, did you know that? Maybe she can be your plus one?"

"Ma, you need to stop playing match maker for me." This was the one thing I hated about my mother. Ever since she found out about Jessica and I breaking up, she has been trying to get me with some other girl. She even once tried to get me back with Jessica again.

"Well, you seem to be having no luck yourself. And I want grandchildren, mijo. I'm not getting any younger you know?"

I ran a hand down my face, not wanting to deal with this right now. Not the grandchild talk again. I wasn't ready for that, my mother knew that and yet she'd still try and convince me otherwise every chance she got.

"Well I'm not interested in anyone right now and I dont need a plus one, ma." I said, trying to put an end to the conversation. I glanced down at Riley, who looked like she was just about ready to get out from under there.

"Fine, if you say so," my mother shrugged. "Maybe you could meet someone at the launch."


"Okay, I'm dropping it."

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