Chapter 26- So easy

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My eyes opened up to pitch black darkness surrounding me. For a second I thought that I was going blind, until a couple blinks later.

Okay, the hotel room!

My head buzzed as I blinked the sleep away, a shooting pain making it's way to my temples. It took a while for both my mind and body to register the heat behind me. Richard felt warm, his hard body plastered against me and his legs tangled with mine. His brawny arm wrapped around my torso possessively and firmly. His light breathing tickled the tiny hairs on my neck. I moved as slowly as I could, as painstakingly so as to not wake him, I loosened his grip on me and managed to turn towards him.

My eyes had finally adjusted to the dark. For a moment I just laid there, taking in everything there was to notice about him. In sleep, he seemed even more breathtakingly beautiful- I didn't think that was possible. His loosely curled blonde locks of hair had tumbled onto his forehead. I lightly brushed them away with my fingertips. His hair had gotten longer since the first time we met, his exposed black roots were evidence of that. His cheek was pressed flat against the pillow, parting his lips slightly. Those lips that had my attention from day one.

A fluttery feeling arised in my stomach as my mind drifted back to earlier, finally remembering everything that happened. From Emily to this room. It was all clear as day. I'd expected to be more mad at myself, more embarrassed, more...guilty about EVERYTHING that happened but, nothing. Not a single negative feeling coarsed through me in that moment.

My eyes snapped to his, checking to see if he had somehow been awake all this time and caught me staring. He was still asleep, peacefully so. The even rise and fall of his chest was the only indication to me that he was real, because other than that one could assume he was a statue carved out of expensive marble. I gazed at the stiffness in his shoulders and the veins that were so prominent on his biceps.

I must've made some sound or movement because he shifted in his sleep and a groan escaped him. I held my breath for a second, afraid that I might wake him.

"Richard?" I whispered to test if he was still asleep.

He groaned lazily and definitely half asleep. I untangled myself from his arms as slowly as possible. It was not easy. They were heavy and muscular and hooked onto me tightly.

It was just past 1am, according to the time on my phone when I tiptoed towards the balcony and opened the sliding door as quietly as I could. The city was quieter than usual, not your typical Miami weekend. On the horizon, there was a yacht anchored in the middle of the ocean where bright, flashing, party lights gave the waters life. A few people stumbled on the streets after what looked like a night out at the clubs. From where I stood I had a clear view of where the reception had been and it was deserted. It made me wonder what time everyone had wrapped up and gone home...or booked in like us. I crawled onto the pallet couch and settled into a corner, stacking pillows up behind me and on my lap to cover my exposed legs. The breeze was just the right amount of cool to not make me potentially die of hypothermia. I stayed there for a while, silent and tranquil with only the sounds of waves crashing against the nearby shore to keep me company.

"Can't sleep?" Richard's voice, low and husky from sleep, had me snapping my head sharply towards him. Sometime during the night he must've gotten rid of his pants because now, he stood in just his boxers.

"Something like that," I said and hugged my knees, feeling a little too exposed. That was pretty dumb considering what we just did a few hours ago.

"Is this the part where you scream at me and kick me out?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning against the door frame.

I chuckled softly. "I'm not going to kick you out, Richard." My voice was a whisper.

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