Chapter 37- New terrain

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When the annoying buzzing of clapping hands died down and Jessica and Richards mother left the catwalk, I excused myself from my seat in a hurry. I stomped with one leg in front of the other harder than I'd ever stomped before. I could hear Richard trying to catch up with me from behind and soon a hand was clutching my elbow, stopping me in my tracks.

"Ri, wait!" Richard whisper-yelled.

"What the hell is she doing her, Richard?" I whipped around to face him and snarled.

"Cariña, I'm just as surprised as you are! You think I would've even came here if I knew she was going to be here?"

"Why would your mother still be in contact with your ex when she KNOWS what she did to you?" I asked because quite frankly that didnt exactly paint a 'mother of the year' picture.

"I have no idea but I plan on finding out."

I wanted to leave because I knew that if I didn't and if I ran into Jessica, all hell would break loose.

"Do you wanna lea-"

"Ah, Yashel!" I heard Luseily call as she approached us.


"Hey, ma." Richard turned around but not before giving me a pleading look to not take off while he wasnt looking.

"I'm so glad you made it, mijo!"

"Wouldnt miss it for the world."

I noticed her looking over his shoulder, straight at me, with the biggest distasteful frown I had ever seen. "I see you've brought a 'friend'" she commented.

Richard held out his hand for me to take and I hesitantly placed mine in it. "Ma, you already know Raelynn Rivera."

"Of course. How could I forget." That was a direct stab at me. This was not off to a good start and at that moment I just wished that the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

"Well, I wanted to formally introduce her as my girlfriend." Richard said and the expression on her face did not change one bit.

"Oh?" Was all she said. It was hard not to take her lack of vocalization personally. "Well, mijo. Did you see who I ran into?" She switched up with an immediate change in topic, casually choosing to ignore what he just said.

"What the hell is she doing here, ma?" Richard asked his mother.

"Well she stopped by the boutique a few days ago and I needed a show stopper. Wasn't she amazing?" Her eyes lit up as she spoke about Jessica. A whole fanatic of the woman who blatantly cheated on her son.

"Why are you even still talking to her? Do you have any idea of the shit shes done ever since she started coming around again?"

"Shes trying to make amends," Luseily actually defended her. This conversation was starting to make me sick to my stomach.

"Amends? She tried to attack Riley at the office. She's a fucking psycho. What amends could she possibly make?" Richards tone changed to a harsher one as he spoke to his mother.

"Do not rai-" Luseily was about to say just as she was interrupted by the hot topic of the hour.

"Richard!" She shrieked excitedly, in that insanely high pitched voice of hers. She trotted over to where we stood and immediately lunged towards Richard with her arms spread wide open. His reaction was fast as he side stepped out of her reach and the expression on her face was nothing short of embarrassed. He let go of my hand, only to slip his around my waist, pulling me closer to him protectively. I think he was scared that I'd just run off at any minute which I had to admit was a tempting idea.

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