Chapter 23- Play nice nice

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"Riley! Where are my shoes?" Anna yelled from her room, startling me and sending my eyeliner wing off on a tangent.

Great, now I had to start all over again, I thought as I started back in frustration at myself in the vanity mirror.

"In the pink box below your shoe rack, dumbass!" I yelled back while grabbing a wet wipe and cleaning up the smudged make up from the corner of my eye.

"Got it!"

I shook my head in amusement. Anna being oblivious to where she'd kept her things reminded me of the times when I used to be her, swearing on the heavens above that I had lost something until mum decided to look for it and it would miraculously appear. I was mum in this case, keeping track of where Anna kept things I knew she'd eventually forget about.

After spending another 15 minutes redoing my blue and black smokey eye look, I finally finished off my makeup with a nude lip and light brown liner to make them pop. I strutted out the bathroom and towards the bed where the royal blue dress that I had purchased in Hawaii laud sprawled out. I looked at it with a last minute debate playing out in my head. I really did not want to attend this wedding but if I was being forced to attend, I sure as hell was going to look damn good doing it. I put on the dress and a pair of strappy black stilettos, a pair of crystal tear drop earrings, a necklace and a silver bracelet followed. I pulled out the clip that was holding up my hair and let it fall to my sides in voluminous curls. I shoved my phone, some cash and a few make up essentials into my pleated stain and rhinestone clutch purse before heading out of my room.

I waited in the lounge for Anna and Zabdiel. An annoying feeling of dread steered in the pit of my stomach. Picking at my fingertips, I tried my hardest not to be negative about today. I tried convincing myself that I could get through this wedding without any hiccups. Oh how I pray that's true.

Not a few moments later, Zab stumbled into the lounge, fumbling with his tie. After all these weeks of me nagging Zabdiel to get something to match me, he finally went out and bought a tux, last minute if I might add. It was a slim fit royal blue suit jacket paired with black trousers, a white shirt and a black bow tie- the colours blending together perfectly.

"I hope you know how to tie this because I give up," he dropped his hands to his sides in defeat as he spoke.

The 6 inches on my shoes gave me the perfect height to be able to help Zab with his tie without having to get up on my tip toes or stand on the couch.

"There! You look really good by the way. Some may even say handsome," I complimented him.

"You look decent yourself," he replied. "Are we ready to leave?"

"Almost. Her majesty is still busy doing god knows what," I informed him.

"I heard that! 10 minutes!"

Anna's 10 minutes turned into 30 and then the door bell sounded. Joel stood on the other side, dressed in a 2 piece full black tux with his hands shoved into his trouser pocket.


"Hey. Am I too early?" He asked while glancing at the watch on his wrist.

"No. Your girlfriend is just usual."

"I'm here, I'm here!" Anna came rushing out the room with her shoes in one hand while trying to put on a pair of hoop earrings with the other. She wore an elegant black slim fit dress that fell off her shoulders and had a knee high slit. A thin silver necklace, similar to the one I had on, adorned her neck. "Hey," she moved to peck Joel on the cheek as quick as lightning yet it felt as if I was witnessing something rather intimate. I had to admit, I'd never seen my sister like this with a guy before. "Okay, I'm ready."

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