Chapter 28- Living for me

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"I'm sorry, Ri," Zabdiel said as I slid the glass doors on the balcony shut.

"I didn't expect you to show up."

Witnessing the tension between him and Richard was not the best way to start my morning. I had a strong feeling that if I didnt step in between the two of them, one or both would've walked out of here with a black eye.

"I know. I meant to check up on you last night but I passed out."

"Its okay and as you can see I'm fine."

"Could you really blame me for the way I reacted. I'm just looking out for you, amor. I know how hard certain things are for you so when I saw that guy I thought..." he let his sentence hang in the air.

"I know, Zab. I appreciate your concern," I said and stepped towards him for a hug to put an end to this extremely embarrassing topic.

His eyes darted to the couch where the comforter still sat and chuckled. "Really, Ri? Outside?"

I felt the heat in my cheeks once again, so much worse than earlier. "That is so not what it looks like," I playfully shoved him.

"Hey, it's your business. Unless he hurts you then he's gonna have to deal with me," he folded his arms across his chest to make a statement.

"You can drop the protective big brother act, Zab. He cant even hear you and dont bother yourself about that. Richard is a...complicated situation."

"Doesn't look that way to me," he pointed out.

"We're not going to talk about this okay so please drop it."

"Fine but by the way, I meant to ask you this last night, have I met him before? Like besides last night and seeing him that day I picked you up from the airport?" His brows turned into a frown as he thought.

"Well yeah at the club but you weren't exactly paying attention and to be fair I didn't even know him there as well."

"No, I mean besides that."

"No, not that I know of. Why?"

"I don't know. Anyway, did you speak to Anna?"

Zabdiel bringing up Anna took me back to last night and all of the horrible things that I said to her played back in my mind.

"She spoke to you didn't she?" I concluded because why else would he be asking about her.

"Not exactly. She just seemed like a mix of upset and royally pissed off when I saw her heading to her room last night," he explained.

"I'm a horrible person."

"No you're not. I think you just reached a breaking point last night and no one is blaming you for that." He comforted me by saying.

"I need to talk to her."

"YOU need to get some food into you because I can only assume last night's dinner is all out of your system."

"You have no idea."

He threw his hand across my shoulder and began in the direction of the room. Richard was typing away frantically on his phone sitting at the edge of the bed and shot up to his feet when he noticed us coming back inside. He and Zabdiel had a relatively awkward stare down before Zab decided to break the ice.

"Hey man, I'm sorry about earlier. Riley is like a sister to me so I couldn't help but feel a little over protective."

Richard, to my surprise in fact, held out his hand which Zabdiel shook politely.

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