Chapter 13- Hilton Hawaiian village

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Why is it that the weekend always seems to go by extremely fast when you're particularly dreading the following week?

Zab kept me company this weekend while Anna was scheduled to return on Monday around noon. Netflix and chill, popcorn, window shopping and sleeping was how we spent our time. The best RnR I've had in a long time. When Monday morning rolled around, I hopped out of bed around 6:15am since I needed to be at the airport by 8:00am. Zab had the courtesy of making us some breakfast while I showered. I stepped into the kitchen and took in the wonderful aroma of scrambled eggs, bacon and hashbrowns. He assembled our plates, sans bacon for him, and slid a cup of steaming black coffee over the counter for me.

"You all packed?" He asked, taking a sip from his cup.

"Yip. Can you make me a promise?"

"Uhm, okay?"

"Can you and Anna try and be civil for the next week. I'd really like to come back to a house that's still standing," I asked, earning myself an eyeroll.

"I can promise you but as for your sister, well I can't speak for her. She's a loose cannon, amor. Are you sure we can't admit her to the psych ward at the hospital for the rest of the week? I really do value my lie," he joked.

"I'm serious, be nice."

"Perdòn? I AM nice. I'm like the nicest person you'll meet."

"Of course you are, Zab,"

After breakfast he helped me load my bag into the Uber that I hired to drive me to the airport. I asked the driver to give me atleast 10 minutes to say my goodbyes and remind Zabdiel about something.

"You remember our deal right?"

"The one about Anna or the other one?"

"The other one."

"Do I really have to, Ri?" He pouted. I swear he was a baby trapped in a grown man's body.

"ZABDIEL! I agreed to phone you every day if you promised to go shopping for a new suit this week." After what happened last week, Zab was convinced I was holding something back from him and that that something caused my panic attack. He wasn't wrong so to put his mind at ease and help convince him that I'm okay I agreed to these terms. "I will not go to that wedding without you!" I further stated.

"But you know I have plenty of suits already. Why do I need to buy a new one?"

"Because even though it wasn't my idea to attend that disaster fest I still want to look good and that goes for my date as well," I smiled at him, trying to earn some sympathy points.

"To be fair, you bullied me into agreeing."

"Whatever. Now, I'm going to find a dress at one of the boutiques in Honolulu. I'll send you a picture and just find a suit that goes well, okay?"

"Fine," he conceded and opened his arms to hug me. "Safe travels," he said, pecking the top of my head.

"Thank you."

I hopped in as he opened my door and waved back as the driver took off down the road. Miami International Airport was packed full of people ranging from tourists to business men and woman entering and leaving the airport. I make him park at the private airstrip just behind the airport. I grabbed my luggage and waited below the steps of the pearl white comapany plane for Chris. In the distance I noted a hand waving in my direction. A grinning Chris bounced over with his bag being rolled behind him. He wore denim jeans and a turtle neck, pulling off the smart casual look perfectly. He actually looked as if he put a lot of effort in his attire whereas I looked as if I just got out of bed in my pink high waist cargo pants, sneakers and black crop top.

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