Chapter 43- Not scared anymore

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She stood in the doorway of the bathroom with her hands crossed over her chest, watching me as I opened the cabinets below the sink in search of a first aid kit that I couldve sworn I kept somewhere in there.

"Richard, I'm fine. Can we please just go to bed?" She whined and protested.

When we had gotten back to the apartment, the bright light in the lounge had illuminated the cut on Rileys lip from which dark red liquid seeped out of, as well as a bruise that was turning a painful shade of blue and purple on her right cheek bone.

"No. Come here," I motioned her over into the bathroom as I finally set my eyes on the little red bag that had been playing hide and seek with me.

With a sigh she walked over, giving in to my request without further protest. She squealed in surprise when I hoisted her up onto the counter of the sink and grabbed onto my shoulders to steady herself.

"Dont you think you're being a little dramatic? It's just a scratch."

I ignored her and poured a cap full of the disinfectant liquid onto a cotton swab. "This is going to sting," I warned before bringing the swab to her lower lip.

"Son of a-!" She hissed in pain, clutching onto the fabric of my shirt as the liquid burned her small opened wound. A few more dabs cleaned up the dry blood and I wiped her lip for the last time with a swab soaked with plain water.

"You might need something to cover this up," I said, brushing my thumb over the bruise on her cheek.

"I have the magic of makeup, Yashel. Piece of cake," she smiled proudly.

Her using my second name took me back to that moment in the car not so long ago. I got to admit, her words took me by surprise. Dont get me wrong, I was ecstatic to hear it, I just never thought that she'd say it after getting into a drunken cat fight with my ex. I didnt pry her about it, feeling the need to wait for the morning once a significant amount of alcohol was out of her system to tackle the topic.

I placed a soft kiss over the bluish purple area on her cheek before helping her down from the vanity. "Now, we can go to bed."

"Finally." Her shoulders slugged as she strutted out of the bathroom, stretching her arms above her head with a yawn

I stayed behind, putting the first aid kit back from where I'd found it, making sure to keep it a little closer to the front so that it wouldnt be such a mission to find the next time. I rid myself of my shirt and jeans while in the bathroom, feeling instant relief from the restrictive clothes. I stopped in my tracks in the doorway between the bathroom and bedroom and leaned against the frame in surprise. Riley was sprawled on her back, slightly tilted to the side, on top of the sheets. The even rise and fall of her chest had me assuming that a deep sleep had quickly taken over her. I shook my head, amused by the site.

I treaded barefoot over to the drawer that I remembered her keeping her cosmetic bag in, making sure not to wake her. I searched for one of those facial wipe things that I'd seen her use before to remove her make up. The little plastic pouch with a resealable flap on lid was at the top of her cosmetic bag, convenient for me.

I crouched next to her side of the bed and gently cleaned the make up off her face. Luckily for me, my girl wasn't one to cake on layers of make up which left me with mostly lipstick and eye make up to remove. I'd heard her complain before that going to sleep with make up on would make your skin look like shit, I could not attest to that, but I believed her and hence I did what I could only assume she wouldve done herself had she not knocked out cold. She squirmed ever so slightly but didnt open her eyes not once, the intoxicating liquid flowing through her system seemingly overpowering her urge to open them.

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