Chapter 25- Being bold

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"What did I miss?" Zabdiel asked, eyeing me from head to toe, extremely bewildered.

"Riley's congratulatory speech to her aunt," Richard simply said and Zab opened his eyes wide in surprise. "Dont worry, I got her out of there before she could say much."

"Jesus, Riley!"

"I've already had the 3rd degree from Anna so I'm not in the mood for another one," I warned him before he could continue.

The lighting in the reception was strikingly bright and I found myself squinting to keep some out as my vision became highly light sensitive.

"She's pretty wasted so I was going to get her a room to sleep it off," Richard informed Zab and I found myself nodding along to his statement even though I didn't know what he was up to until now. But I mean, go figure, given the fact that he did drag me into the hotel.

"I was just getting us a few rooms. The check in line was crazy so I got a little held up."

"Oh don't worry, you didn't miss much," I informed him with a shrug.

"I'll take her up," Richard said, holding his hand out for Zabdiel to hand him the room key card. I noticed Zab hesitate for a second or so, debating whether or not it was a good idea before he eventually caved.

"Room A26, 4th floor," he told Richard. "Call or text me if you need anything. I'll check up on you later if I get a chance," he said to me.

I nodded slowly because at this point, even the slightest movement of my head felt as if my brain was bouncing around and hitting against the walls of my skull. I could feel Zabdiels eyes on us as we walked towards the elevators. I was clutching onto Richard for dear life, feeling that if I let go my legs would give up from under me. The doors closed and Richard slammed the button for the 4th floor.

"Maybe we should've taken the stairs," I said when I felt the churn in my stomach move it's way up my oesophagus.

"You're not gonna throw up are you?"

I rubbed at my sternum with the palm of my hand in circular motions, a trick Zabdiel taught me to get rid of motion sickness or in this case, to avoid projectile vomiting all over the elevator. The doors opened with a ding and I'd never walked out of an elevator faster than I did in that moment.

The cool breeze from the air conditioning hit my skin as we walked down the hallway looking for the room. Outside each room were potted palm trees that lined the hallway, bringing the beach vibes of miami inside the hotel.

"A26," Richard said and came to a stop outside a room. He swiped the card along the panel and I heard the door click open.

The first thing that caught my eye was the bed, naturally. Soft satin beddings and a silk sheet covered the bed. I could practically feel my head melting into those continental pillows that sat uncreased and plumped on the bed. A cute, white settee sat across from the bed. Glass sliding doors led onto the balcony that housed a corner pallet couch.

"Look, there's your bed for tonight," I told Richard and pointed outside before plonking down on the bed.

"You're funny," he said.

He sounded a little distant and so I propped myself up on my elbows to see where exactly in the room he was. He stood by the settee, shrugging out of his red suit jacket and tossing it onto the arm of the small couch. He kicked off his shoes and his hands fumbled with his bow tie, eventually loosening it. My eyes widened in surprise when I noticed him unbuttoning his shirt. I watched as every muscle in his back and arms flexed as he removed one sleeve at a time, until his rock hard and extremely defined torso was bare.

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