Chapter 9- Authority and power

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I jumped out of my car, ran a hand down my grey pencil skirt- which I paired with a baby blue shiffon blouse- to smooth out the wrinkles and put my game face on. Candice had texted me after dinner saying that the client was willing to meet today. Great for me, not so great for the client. I was in a mood after my interaction with last nights unwelcomed guest and Anna guilt tripping me. I walked through the revolving doors of the building and called an elevator car down.

"Yo! Hold the elevator!" A voice called out as the elevator door began to close.

Richard stepped in and when his eyes met mine, a smile played on his lips. He was dressed extremely casual today with a navy blue fitted t-shirt that showed off his cut biceps and tattoos and a pair of denim jeans. His curly locks of hair sparkled with little droplets of water as if he'd just gotten out of the shower. Looks like someone woke up late.

"Good morning," he greeted with his back to me, his velvety voice bouncing off the small space between us.

"Morning," I replied, slowly retreating into a corner to increase the space between us.

I had a thing about small spaces. Not exactly a phobia but I didn't particularly like it. Elevators were fine, if I was alone in them or if I was with someone I actually liked- no more than 2 people though. This wasn't exactly an ideal situation as Richards presence seemed to only close the distance. I was losing it, I know! My eyes went to the cast that was still on his leg and that took me back to his comment yesterday. What did he even mean by that? As curious as I was, I wasn't about to ask him right now or maybe ever.

"Did I miss the memo about casual Friday being changed to casual Thursday?" I found myself saying.

So much for wanting to keep y'all's interactions to the bare minimum, Riley!

He chuckled and turned smoothly to face me with his hands in his pockets. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not really the formal suit kinda guy."

"That missing shirt from the dress suit yesterday was not a give away AT ALL."

Oh god, did I really just say that! Stupid! This elevator ride was taking way too long to end. Almost as if it was reading my mind, the doors dinged open on the 25th floor. He bit back a smile and side stepped to let me out first. He walked behind me quietly until we were a few steps away from my office.


"Yeah?" I turned sharply on my heels.

"I heard you called in the client that filed that law suit."

"Yes, what about it?"

"I'd like to sit in on that meeting," he said. Not asked, SAID.

Just perfect!

"Uhm yeah. The meeting's at 10," I informed him.

"I'll be there," he nodded and continued in the direction of his office.

Peter stopped by my office about half an hour before the meeting. If anyone saw the guy's face they would've rushed him to a hospital. He was pale, super stressed. Who wouldn't be in his situation. I took the time to explain to him what was going to happen during the meeting, just enough to put his mind to ease. 5 minutes before 10 an incoming call from Candice flashed on the telephone.


"Hey, Ri. Your 10am is here."

Show time.

"Thanks Candice."

I ushered Peter out of the office and walked side by side towards the board room. Richard met us just before we walked in.

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