Chapter 34- Kiss and make up

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A cramp in my side woke me from sleep. It was dull and highly uncomfortable, like a weight was pressed against it. I tried turning onto my back but something wouldn't allow it. A hand. Richard's hand. Draped across me, keeping me close to him. God damnit, Riley! I thought to myself as I wiggled myself out of his arms. A soft snoring escaped him with every rise and fall of his chest. A blanket was half draped over me and the other half over him. I couldn't remember falling asleep last night. My mind was too exhausted to recollect anything. I gently moved his hands off of my waist where it laid settled in the curve of my hip dip. I scooted off the couch as stealthily as possible, slipping my feet into my shoes and tiptoeing away without waking him up.

I found myself in the bathroom and locked the door shut behind me before sinking down to the floor. I sat there, on the little bathroom carpet, with my hands diving through my mangled hair. I didn't know what to do next. How to face Richard when he wakes up. God knows it was going to be awkward as hell. I wasn't good at this coupling thing, or the fighting part. Thinking back, I realised that Noah and I never really had a fight. Well, at least not one like this. It was always petty arguements and we would make up with a peace offering of iced coffee. I don't think iced coffee was going to cut it this time around. I couldn't stay mad at Richard forever, that much I knew, but it was going to take some time. How long depended on how long I'd be able to resist a man who had me enthralled from day one. It sounded weak admitting this to myself but it was true.

I pushed myself off the floor with the intention of brushing my teeth and having a quick shower. My mind drifted off, as the warm water cascaded over my body, to the last place I'd expected it to go. Back in that studio. The feel of Richard's body on mine, melding into one. The feel of his lips on my skin, like a searing branding iron. As much as I'd like that place to be a distant memory, that moment felt oddly perfect. That moment, the rest of the world ceased to exist and the bubble that I'd lived in for the past couple of years had been popped.

After drying off, I grabbed my black cotton gown from the rack that it hung on and slipped into it. I let my hair down from its bun while I made my way back into the lounge to check on Richard. The couch was empty, the blanket folded and left neatly in a corner. He was gone. Some part of me, the tiniest part, couldn't help but feel a little disappointed but I didn't blame him. Even I wouldn't want to be around me when I'm acting like a sad, sulking bitch.

With a mental shrug I made my way back into my room to change into a pair of comfy joggers and a hoodie before heading back into the kitchen. I turned up the heat on the stove while shuffling around opening cabinets and grabbing ingredients I needed for breakfast. Joel was still here I assumed, peeping outside and finding his car still in the driveway. I took out 3 plates while popping some bread into the toaster and grabbing a few eggs out of the fridge.

"What did you do?" I heard a groggy voice ask. Anna approached from the passage, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes while her mouth opened up into a wide yawn.

"Well good morning to you too."

"Yeah, same. Where's Richard?" I was hoping she wouldn't ask.

"Not here, obviously."

"Yeah. So my question stands, what did you do?" She came around me to switch on the coffee machine.

"What do you mean what did I do? He left, why don't you call him and ask him why?"

"Because I wanna know from you. What the hell is going on with you two?" She sat down across me and leaned forward attentively, waiting for me to answer.

"We're not talking about this. How do you want your eggs?" I tried to change the topic.

"Scrambled and why not?" She was resilient.

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