Chapter 3- Numbing the pain

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This was not happening! As Anna left for her room my mind went into overdrive. There was no way I was staying for this dinner that was no doubt about to be disastrous. I ran over to Zabdiel's room. As I entered I could hear the shower running in the en suite. I raided his closet and pulled out a pair of denim jeans and a plain white tee to go with the Miami weather. I made my way back into the kitchen to make that sandwich that I'd promised him in hopes that by the time I was done, he'd have come out of the bathroom.

He did not.

"Have you seen my bobby pins?" Anna walked into the lounge area looking like a girl on a mission with the bottom half of her hair pin straight and the top half in a messy bun, waiting to be straightened.

"I had a whole bunch of them lying around but can't even...woah," she rambled on but stopped upon seeing me. "C'mon Riley! You haven't even started getting ready?"

"Urgh, in a minute," I lied. "I'm just making Zab his sandwich."

"Fine, whatever. Just be ready."

I rolled my eyes as she disappeared from view. I put the sandwich in a zip lock bag, went to my room to get out of my pants suit and into some comfortable black skinny jeans and a neon green tank. Hearing the water still running in Zab's room, I barged in and began knocking on the door.

"Zabdiel!" I yelled. Damn this man was really taking the longest shower ever.

"Que?" he yelled back.

"Could you hurry the hell up? Zabdiel!"

I heard him quickly shut the water off. Finally! The door flew open, causing a tiny gush of wind to hit my face. He stood in front of me with nothing but his white towel wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water glistened in his blonde hair and dripped down his bare sculpted chest.

"Damn, have you been working out?" I asked, absentmindedly lost in a trance and forggeting for a split second why I was in the room. Do not judge me. I'm a woman, it happens okay?!

"Que carajo, Ri?" he cussed, running his hand down his face. "I though you hurt yourself or something serious you know. What happened?"

"Sorry," I sheepishly apologized. "Just get changed, we gotta go."

"Gotta go where?" he asked, looking extremely confused. Who'd blame him.

"Anywhere but here," I threw him his clothes and instructed him to meet me in the kitchen when he was done.

It took him a whole 15 minutes to get changed. 15 minutes? Which guy takes more than 5 minutes to get ready?

"Cheese, lettuce, cucumber and tomato on whole wheat," I tossed him the zip lock bag with the sandwich and grabbed my keys from the bowl.

"This isn't gonna make a dent in my stomach, you know that right," he raised his eyebrow questioningly.

"I know, I know mi vegetal. I'll get you a carrot or something," I joked while pushing his giant self out the door. Hah, if looks could kill I'd be 6 feet under by now. "I'm kidding. We'll stop by the restaurant."

I closed the door and slowly and as quietly as I could. If Anna heard me leave, the entire neighborhood would be out to watch the scene that she'd most likely cause. I pulled out of the driveway and as I started down the tarred road, I felt Zabdiel's eyes burning through my skin, patiently awaiting an explanation.

"Anna's having some people over and I'm not really in the socializing mood," I explained or more like gave him a partial truth. It seemed to satisfy his curiosity enough because he replied with a "As long as I'm getting food," and stuffed his mouth for the rest of the drive.

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