Chapter 11- Liars

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"What the fuck is wrong with you, Jess?"

Furious didn't even begin to describe what I was feeling right now. Watching Riley drive away hurt like hell. I knew she wasn't going to be happy about what I did but I sure as hell didn't expect Jessica Sanchez to show up and make things worse.

"Well hello to you too cranky pants," she folded her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice a few notches above its regular volume.

"I missed you. You haven't hung with us in forever," she took a few steps forward and placed her palm flat on my chest. "Didn't you miss me?"

Her hands began to wander up to my neck. I grabbed her by the wrists to stop whatever she had in mind. "I just saw you last weekend," I replied nonchalantly.

"And what a weekend that was," her eyes sparkled with lust, a look I knew all too well unfortunately.

I gently pushed her a few inches away from me. It started to feel a little crowded with her being all up in my face. I ran my fingers through my hair, frustrated and feeling like shit. I pulled out my phone from my shorts pocket and searched for Riley in my contacts list. I've never used her number since I got it so by any chance she'd actually pick up. 5 rings later the call went straight to voicemail and I tried again, pacing up and down the sidewalk.

"Okay? What's gotten into you?" Jess asked, pretending to be completely oblivious to the fact that her little stunt could've just cost me any chance of getting into Riley's good books.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Is this about that chick who's throat you were sticking your tongue down?" She rolled her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips.

"You think?" I tried Riley's number again with no luck.

"Urgh, are you trying to get into her pants or are you fucking her already? Because I can't possibly think of any other reason why you'd be so worked up," she pointed out.

"Neither, but it's not like that's any of your fucking business anyway," I remarked.

She laughed ridiculously loud, throwing her head back with her hand over her mouth for dramatic effect.

"Oh c'mon, Rich. Don't be in denial. You and I both know how much you love a good chase," she replied once Casper stopped tickling her sides and added in a wink for good measure.

She wasn't completely wrong though, I'll give her that. Like most guys, I loved it when a girl played hard to get. It made the conquest that much more fun and exciting but it was NOT like that with Riley. From the first day I met her I could tell she was the 'take no bullshit, especially from guys' type of person. Hell, she was probably ready to castrate that guy that was trying to hit on her at the club. She had my every last bit of attention on her when she walked into a room and she didn't even know it. I've sucked at maintaining past relationships mainly because I'm an asshole who wears his heart on his sleeves and falls for the wrong person at the wrong time and way too fast or ends up fucking up one way or another.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be or someone else to sweet talk?" I asked when I finally got out of my own head.

She tapped her fingers again chin to seem deep in thought. "Nope," she shrugged.

"Well I do. Excuse me," I replied and brushed past her, making my way back into the gym.

I needed to find Joel. Riley was never going to answer a call from me but I needed to know that she was okay. I know it may come across as me being a little pushy but after seeing the look on her face before she drove away made me care a little less about what I may look like. Joel was over at the treadmills helping some chick with the settings. I waited for him to finish before pulling him into his office.

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