Chapter 31- Answers

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"So what is this? Are y'all going on a date or something?" Anna asked as she spooned cereal into her mouth from across the counter.

"No. He has some work to do and is taking me along for company," I replied. That was actually the truth.

"Hah," she played with her chin suspiciously.


"If it's just work then wouldn't taking you along just be a distraction?" She raised suspicious eyebrows at me.

"I don't know, Anna. Why don't you ask him all these questions?"

"Oh, I will!" Shit! Maybe I spoke too soon.

"She's just in denial," Zabdiel popped out of no where. Coming from the direction of his room with a towel in hand, he ran it over his wet tendrils of hair as he made his way towards us.

"Not you too."

"Finally! Something Yeti and I agree on." Zabdiel flipped Anna off as he moved to the fridge.

"We're still going to figure things out. That's what today is mainly about, well for me at least."

"So what, you plan on getting the dirt on him today? What are you gonna do, fuck it out of him?"

Anna needed help...psychologically. Saying she had no filter would be putting it lightly. Zabdiel had paused with a spoon full of cereal almost to his mouth. I really felt sorry for him sometimes. Living in a house with two certifiably crazy and unfiltered women is bound to have him hearing things he would much rather not.

"So how's Joel?" I changed the subject sharply.

"Alive. You still didn't answer me." She was determined.

"I plan on TALKING to him, Anna. Like a normal person, jesus."

"Urgh boring," she rolled her eyes and scooped up the last bits of her cereal. "Have fun." She hopped off the bar stool and threw her bowl into the sink, running some water into it to mask the stickiness.

"Where are you going?" I yelled after her as she ran to her room.

"I have a creative meeting to attend," she yelled back.

I was under the impression that she would be at home today so this was news to me.

"So what do you plan on doing today?" I turned my attention towards Zabdiel who ate his cereal quietly.

"My brother is heading up to PR tomorrow so I'm gonna spend some time with him today. Probably going to have lunch with the rents then go out, play some basketball or something."

"Is he gonna be gone long?"

"About 2 weeks."

There was a knock at the door and all I noticed was a figure sprinting from one end of the house to the door. Anna answered the door and Richard smiled nervously. It only hit me then that he had never gotten past the driveway, like ever.

"Anna. Hey," he greeted with a nervous chuckle.

"What do you want here?" She had her mean face on as she stared him down. I didn't even have to look at her to know what she was doing.

"Uhmm, is Riley here? I'm supposed to pick her up."

"Why would she want to go anywhere with you?"


"I'm just messing with you, come in," she laughed and dragged him inside by pulling on the sleeves of his black leather jacket.

"Hey," I couldn't help but smile at the sight of his half terrified, half relieved expression.

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