Chapter 16- What could've been

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What the fuck was happening to me?!

I may come across as it but I wasn't the type to mess with a girls feelings like that. I knew first hand what it's like to be toyed with so why the hell was I doing this with Riley? This cat and mouse game that we've been playing for the past week had left me in a puddle of my own thoughts.

What was it about her that I felt so drawn to? Was it the fact that we're always butting heads? Was it because I loved being challenged by her feisty little sprit? Was it because from the first moment I saw her I could tell she wasn't your typical Miami girl? Or was it because I could tell that a part of her was shielded from the world and I felt the need to break down those shields?

Well whatever it was, Raelynn Rivera was fucking insatiable and I.... I'm absolutely, positively doomed.

I needed to let off some steam or there was no way I was making it through the day with my head still screwed on properly. The gym at the hotel, near the pool area of the resort was quiet. I guess no one really wants to work out when they're on holiday just chilling out and relaxing without a care in the world. Lucky bastards, I thought as I walked past said types of people. The gym was a museum of glass that over looked the waters of Honolulu. The sand bags looked the most appealing at the moment, would probably have the most effect as well.

I walked over while loosening my tie and unbuttoning my shirt and threw them onto the nearest bench. Every ounce of anger and frustration that I had building up inside of me was taken out on the bag. I punched, kicked and kneed the shit out of it, trying to focus on something other than Riley. I didn't know how much of time had passed by the time I eventually felt exhausted. I took a fresh towel off of one of the shelves and dabbed the sweat off before slipping back into my t-shirt. My phone buzzed on the bench and without a glance at the caller ID, I picked it up.


"Geez you sound like you're in a bad mood," I recognised Joel's voice on the line.

"You have no idea," I simply stated while throwing my tie around my neck.

"Riley?" Was I really that predictable?

"Who else, dude?"

"What happened now?" I sometimes felt like Joel was my personal therapist. Honestly, the guy's been there to give me more life advice than my parents ever had. More so because I trusted his opinions more than the bias ones of my parents.

"This business trip is turning out to be a disaster."

"You did something stupid again, didn't you?"

"He's always doing something stupid!" I heard another voice coming from the back. Erick.

"Shut the fuck up, Erick," I yelled back, hoping that he heard me.

"Oy, Richuki listen to me," Erick grabbed the phone from Joel and took over the conversation. "I might be the loneliest person in the world but lemme give you some advice real quick. And before you ask, Joel filled me in on your highly entertaining life. I'm hurt I didn't hear it from you but it's fine."

"Gee, Erick. I didn't think my misery would be something my friend would find entertaining."

"Are you kidding me? It's better than a whole telenovela. Now are you listening?" He asked.

Well this ought to be good.

"You're whipped my guy. We haven't heard you so fucked up since you started dating Jess..."

"Don't even go there," I warned before he could continue.

"Chill, I know. All I'm saying is that in a situation like this all you got to do is make your feelings clear."

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