Chapter 12- The messenger

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"Hey, what are you doing here?" I heard Anna ask the person at the door.

"Thought I'd surprise you!" Joel explained. Yeah, I've heard his voice enough this afternoon to recognize it.

"Fantastic!" Zabdiel exclaimed. "Now you have someone to keep you company." He was already getting ready to walk back to his place on the couch next to me when Anna grabbed him by the collar of his golf t-shirt.

"Not so fast, doc."

"I can come with you if you'd like?" Joel offered.

"No, no that's okay. This one owes me. Ooohh you can finally meet my sister. Riley!" She called out to me.

My eyes shot up from the show on TV that I'd been distracting myself with all this time. I raised my hand in a small wave and added a friendly smile from where I sat. He nodded his head in greeting, looking over Anna's shoulder at me.

"How about you two get to know each other. I'm making dinner, mexican chicken and rice. I'll be back in a few."

"Sounds good."

Anna pecked Joel on his cheek before heading out the door with a sulking Zabdiel following closely behind. I stood up, making my way to the kitchen. Joel stood awkwardly at the door, pulling out his phone to check it as a ding went off in his pocket.

"It's nice to officially meet you by the way," I said as I took out a bottle of flavoured water from the fridge.

"Likewise. So you knew who I was back at the gym?" He asked, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"Anna may have mentioned you a few time."

"Right," he chuckled.

"So what's happening with you 2? Are y'all like together now or something?" I asked because I was genuinely curious judging by how cozy they looked.

"We're uhmm, something. I'm still getting to know her and I'm glad I have that opportunity," he explained.

I nodded, not wanting to say anything else because the boy looked as pale as a ghost. "Relax Joel, I'm not going to bite. You can have seat ya know!"

"Uh, yeah. Right." he made his way towards the couch and sat on the edge, running his palms up and down his thighs.

"Feel free to make yourself at home while we wait for Anna. I'll be out back." I instructed, picked up my bottle and headed out through the sliding glass back door.

The afternoon breeze was exactly what I needed as I sat back in one of the outdoor wicker couches on the patio. The sun was beginning to set as the sky turned into different hues of purple, orange and blue. I had a feeling that Joel wasn't just here because of Anna so I gave it about 10 minutes before he actually got on with it. On my phone, the smooth vocals of Pink Sweats' 17 echoed through the back yard.

"Riley?" Almost exactly on schedule, give or take a few minutes, Joel's voice came from behind me.


"Do you have a few minutes?" I asked, taking a seat on the adjacent weaved lawn chair.

I sharply exhaled before replying, "Sure." He rubbed his hands together for a good minute, gathering up the nerves to tell me whatever it was he had to tell me. "Can I tell you something, Joel?" I spoke up. One of us had to say something first.

"Yeah, sure."

"If this is about your friend I suggest you save yourself the trouble," I pointed out, figuring out that Joel was playing the role of the messenger. That seemed to get his attention.

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