Chapter 7- A promise is a promise

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"So, Richard? Just like boss man, huh?" I heard Alisha from HR say from across me, in a very very flirtatious manner. Her tone was literally laced in it. Really? Already?

Richard chuckled before answering. "Well, to avoid confusion let's stick with Mr Camacho for the old man. Y'all can just call me Richard. No need for mister or sir and all that."

"Great." I peaked up just long enough to watch her twirl a lock of her hair between her fingers.

I rolled my eyes and focused all my attention on my now empty glass. My boss continued to elaborate on some of the changes to come now that Richard was on board and one of the main changes was that he was now over seeing the Head of departments while boss man handled everything else. Meaning, everything we did from here on out had to go through him first. Just great!

"In a few years, or sooner if I get tired of seeing you all, my son will be taking over completely. So, I thought this would help you all get used to your future boss."


A few minutes later, the most dreadful meeting of my life had come to a close. Everyone got up and began making their way to the door. Chris walked in front of me as I kept my head down. I know, I know. I couldn't hide forever but I could most definitely postpone the inevitable.


No, no, no, not today!

I paused hearing my boss call me. There was always that option of me just walking away pretending like I didn't hear him but knowing him, he'd call me again before I could even take my next step. I gathered myself, taking in a huge breath and fixing my posture. I slapped on the fakest smile in the history of fake smiles as I turned on my heels to face them. Richard didn't seem too surprised, guess he probably noticed my awkward self throughout the meeting. He held back a smile, biting his lower lip as I approached.

"Mijo, this is Raelynn Rivera, the lovely young lady I told you about," my boss said.

"No kidding?" Richard replied and extended his hand. "Nice to meet you."

Okay? So we're just gonna pretend not to know each other then? Totally fine by me! Although, what if this isn't pretending and he somehow developed amnesia the same way he got that cast? Fell down the stairs maybe? Hit his head really hard in the process?

Oh god! Shut up, Riley!

"You too," I replied, taking his hand.

"You 2 are going to be seeing a lot of each other."

Uhm, I'm sorry, what does that mean?

"Really? How so?" I asked, adding in a nervous smile for good measures.

"Well, he's just going to be overlooking the other department heads but everything will still go through me. Since I know your department has the least number of problems when it comes to work, I thought it would be a good idea for him to be fully in charge of one department to get a handle on the running if things. I'm going easy on him for now but If there's anything that he can't handle regarding your department then he'll come to me," he explained.

In that moment, I wished the ground could've just opened up and swallowed me whole.

"Awesome!" I lied. I probably looked like a retard nodding and grinning but I didn't really care.

"So glad you agree, mija."

Did I really though?

"I got the file from Candice. I'm just gonna head back and work on that," I diverted, hoping that would get me out of this room that was slowly becoming claustrophobic.

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