Chapter 1- Light weight

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The blue and purple lights that danced around me had magically transformed my body from a stiff, shy panda to that of a gracefully seductive wild swan. Did that make sense? Probably not seeing as I was on my 5th dry martini of the night and my light weight self could never hold her liquor. This is what happens when Anna convinces me to "loosen up" or "get out more" with her.My idea of going out would've definitely involved a movie or roller skating not getting intoxicated on a Sunday night in a club filled with twerking and groping strangers.

Yeah, yeah, judge me all you want for judging others even though I was currently one of them by association but the truth was, this wasn't me. I didn't like the partying and socializing as much as Anna did. I was a more keep to myself, focus on my career and my wellbeing type of gal but not tonight and definitely not with alcohol in my system...liquid inspiration as they say.

"You still on earth, Riley?" my obnoxious sister yelled from next to me at the bar before taking a shot of tequila.

"I think so."

Yeah, I wasn't. My head felt 5 times bigger than it actually was and I was convinced that if I stood up I'd topple over.

"Admit it, you're having fun!" she beamed from ear to ear. I think the alcohol had something to do with that.

"I'd be having more fun if you had told me about your plan to intoxicate me on a Sunday night," Well, I was having fun I guess, but theres no way I was gonna admit that to her.

"Oh please, I know it's your day off tomorrow, don't even try and fool me You'll be fine. You think I didn't think that far?"

"Do you ever think?" I remarked.

"Touché," she shrugged and yelled for another round of shots.

For such an elite club, the service wasn't as grand as you'd expect it to be and Anna didn't fail to make that known.

"Hello! What's a girl gotta do to get her drink around here?" she yelled across to the visibly busy bar tenders.

You couldn't exactly blame them, this place was packed to capacity and only 5 people worked he bar.

"Screw this! Call me when the drinks arrive," she threw her hands up in frustration and instructed me before strutting towards the dancefloor.

I sipped on my drink while bopping to the electronic fused with Latin pop music in the atmosphere, keeping to myself as usual.

"Hey, pretty lady!" a voice remarked loudly over the music, taking up Anna's seat next to me.

"Hi," I replied to the buzzcut, tattooed guy in leather so fake I could practically smell it.

"What's a beauty like you doing in a place like this all by yourself?"

Ahh fuck! He's one of those. I rolled my eyes an didn't give the creep another second of my attention.

"Yo, Eddie! Another drink for the lady, put it on my tab," he called out to the bar tender guy.

Was this guy really that desperate?

"Uhmm, I can buy my own drinks, thanks." I forced a snarky smile to try and get my feelings across but this guy was really dense and was just not taking a fucking hint.

"C'mon, sweetheart," he pestered, scooting closer to me with his stool. "We're all having fun out here, aren't we?" he smirked disgustingly.

On a good day, if someone royally pissed me off, I didn't hesitate to give that person a piece of my mind. Now, adding alcohol to the mix and I was just about ready to claw this clowns eyes out.

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