Chapter 44- Shut up

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Richard's wide frame had been blocking the view of whoever stood on the other side of the door. I hopped down from the counter and peered from side to side from where I stood to try and get a better view.


I froze in my spot, unable to figure out what to do next. Richard's mother was the last person I expected to see so freaking early on a sunday morning. We didnt have the best history when it came to being in the same room together so as soon as that word left Richard's mouth, my body went into instant flight mode. I debated with myself whether or not I should make a run for it towards the bedroom, I was after all wearing the least appropriate thing for the mother of my boyfriend to find me in, but that debate was cut short when Luseily stepped into the apartment, gently brushing past her son.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, closing the door behind him.

"Do I need a reason to visit my son?" She asked, eyes scanning the room quickly before landing on me. "Oh, I see why you asked," she scoffed as she eyed me up and down. Thank god the counter hid the lower half of my body.

"Mum!" Richard said in a soft but warning tone as he walked towards me. With a roll of her eyes, Luseily made herself at home getting comfortable on the couch that directly faced us.

"Richard, I- I think I should go," I told him, soft enough for only him to hear as he came and stood by my side. Luseily didnt bother paying us any attention as she whipped out her phone and began typing something.

"What? No! You're not going anywhere," he protested.

"The last time your mother and I were in a room together she was practically waiting to claw my eyes out. The last thing I want is to fight with her."

As much as the woman made my blood boil with her twisted, blind admiration for the woman that hurt her son and her sick persistence to get them back together, I never wanted to be in the position where it came down to a heated arguement. My mother raised me better than that. But there have been occasions where morals were kicked out the door if push came to shove and I really prayed that that wouldnt happen today.

"That's not going to happen, okay?" He reassured me and took my hand in his for a second, brushing over the top of mine with his thumb.

Against my better judgment and the deep seeded feeling in my gut that told me otherwise, I nodded and remained where I was.

"Can I get you anything, ma?" He asked and Luseily shoved her phone back into her handbag that she had draped around her forearm.

"Oh, no thanks sweetheart," she smiled but it seemed fake and all too soon she showed her true motive for being here. "Uhm, Riley was it? Would you mind giving my son and I some time alone? Theres a matter we need to discuss."

I knew she wouldnt just show up here for a cup of coffee and a catch up session with her son. As loving a mother as she probably was, there was no way she'd be here without a purpose.

I was about to take that as my cue and walk away without a fuss, saving myself from having to face this woman any longer than I needed to, but Richard stopped me with a hand around my wrist as he gave me the slightest look of reassurance.

"Riley's not going anywhere, ma. So whatever yoh have to say, feel free to say it."

I watched the womans features, that were so much similar to the man next to me, harden at her son's words. "Very well then," she composed herself, running her hand over the plaid pants that she wore, smoothing out any creases. "I'm saying this with your best interest at heart, mijo. You need to stop seeing this woman."

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