Chapter 36- Good books

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"So you're taking it?"

"Of course she's taking it, pendejo!"

Zabdiel and Anna had been on my case the past 2 weeks. I still hadn't given the boss my answer but these 2 seemed to have made up my mind for me as soon as I told them the news. Well, Anna more than Zab.

"I haven't decided yet, I've told you."

Anna threw a popcorn kernel at me from where she'd plonked herself on my bed next to Zab.

"Watch it!" I warned, setting my eyebrow pencil down but despite my efforts, another one came flying my way.

"No, it would be dumb of you to say no. Help me out here Sid the sloth!" I watched in the mirror as she jabbed Zabdiel in the shoulder.

"I think its ultimately Ri's decision," he shrugged.

"Thank you!"

"Yeah, a decision that the title CEO already made for her. Its self deciding...if that's a thing."

"No it's not and just drop it. I've been thinking about it a lot and I'll let you know when I make up my mind, okay?"

"Fine, bitch," she finally conceded. "But just know that if your answer is no then you're gonna get the worse beating of your life. Believe that!"

I rolled my eyes at her melodramatic ass and finished up the sharp wing of my eyeliner. My black, knee length cocktail dress was spread out on the edge of the bed that Zab and Anna weren't occupying and a pair of gold heels lay just below it. After a lot of arguing, I finally agreed to being Richard's plus one to his mother's new clothing line launch. Richard's mother owned a boutique in the city central not too far from the office and today she was launching her winter collection.

"So this means you 2 are back on right?" Zabdiel asked for clarification.

"I guess you can say that."

"Y'all need to figure y'alls relationship out because this on and off thing isn't health," Anna advised, popping a handful of popcorn into her mouth. I turned in my chair and glared at her with peeked brows and found that Zab was giving her the exact same expression. "What?" She got defenseless.

"You're giving HER relationship advice?" Zabdiel asked rhetorically.

"Would you rather me give YOU advice? Oh wait, theres no relationship to advise on!" She snapped.

"Low blow but aren't you the one who blows through guys like snow falls in winter?"

"Well this is Miami, it hardly ever snows."

"I think you missed the point of his analogy, Anna," I pointed out with a chuckled. "You're not exactly the best candidate to be giving relationship advice."

"Yes but I AM the only one among us 3 damaged brain cells that is in a relatively stable relationship." She cocked her head up, obviously feeling proud of the fact.

"Yeah, until it inevitably implodes," Zab teased which earned him punch in the torso from Anna.

"You know what, screw both of y'all. I'm never letting y'all babysit." She said and this time a handful of buttery corn came flying my way.

"Wait, there's babies now?" I fake gasped.

"With who's vagina?" Zabdiel added, squirming through the pain.

"Don't make me choke you, Goliath!"

"Okay, chill! We're out of bleach so I can't cover up no murder scenes okay?"

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