Chapter 27- Labels

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The loud honking of cars and passing traffic broke my sleep. The sun had just started to come up on the horizon and it bathed the blue waters of the ocean in calming tones of orange and yellow. The breeze was chilly, more than last night, causing me to reach out for the covers.

I couldn't remember when or at what time during the night but somewhere between waking up to an empty bed and snuggling on a couch with Riley, we both fell asleep again. I felt a weight pressed against me as I slowly stretched away any remnants of sleep. Rileys arm was slung across my torso and her long legs tangled with mine. Her cheek was pressed flat against my chest as she breathed slowly in sleep.

She was beautiful, with her dark brown hair sprawled across my arm behind her and a few strands falling over her face. Her closed eyes still had a few speckles of the makeup she wore yesterday and a soft whistle escaped her pursed lips. Was she actually snoring? I found myself chuckling, almost in disbelief that this was reality and not some cruel dream that I would awake from at any minute. A few weeks ago I was almost convinced that Riley would never speak to me again, let alone end up in the same bed...or couch, as me. I wasn't complaining though, not in the slightest. The sun struck her face, casting a near angelic shadow over her stunning features.

So stunning and so...damaged. Damn, I thought my life sucked- heart been broken one too many times, career being decided for you- and I never stopped to think that maybe someone had it worse than my pompous, privileged ass. Riley was that someone and it pained me to think of everything she's been through. All the pain, heartache worse than that of a stupid ex cheating on you and most importantly, all the sadness. You wouldn't pick up on that by just one glance at her. Knowing what I know now, I've come to realise that most of the person she portrays for the world is a mirage. An image designed for an outsider to think that she was perfectly ordinary and perfectly happy. She hid behind her smiles and giggles. She wore it like a shield and never let her guard down but last night she did.

I couldn't understand why. Why me when I'd been nothing but a cocky, pushy asshole who most probably added to her problems. I didn't know why but I sure as hell was glad that she did. I've been telling her that I wanted to know more about her ever since we met and I after last night, what more could there possibly be to know?

I sighed heavily and placed an arm behind my head as I played back our conversation from last night. The hatred that Riley had for her aunt now burned inside me, knowing that she's the cause of most of her pain. Right now, I regretted pulling Riley off that stage and thinking it was for the best. Maybe I should've let her carry on with her little speech, it sure as fuck would've saved my dad's friend a whole lot of trouble. Maybe I'm being biased but who the fuck cares.

Riley shifted against me, her finger tips brushing over the ridges of my abdomen. She groaned softly and I noticed her eyes begin to flutter. I brushed the hair that fell over her lids away and her eyes slowly opened. She winced from the striking sunlight and I moved my hand from behind my head to block the rays that shone on her face.

"Good morning," I said softly.

It took her a while to come to it and when she finally did, she replied with the smallest yawn I've ever seen. "Good morning."

I got to admit, I still had a feeling that she'd kick me out at any minute. Her hand shot up to her face and she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"You okay?"

"Urgh, painnn," she winced.

"Its what happens when you drink too much. You should know this by now, bébé," I teased her.

"Shut up. Did we really fall asleep outside?"

"Well technically we're still inside."

"Don't annoy me, you know what I mean," she rolled onto her stomach and propped herself up on her elbows so that she could face me.

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