Chapter 41- Let loose

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"Mother f-!"

"Fuck, Anna!"

I heard Anna and Zabdiel yell respectively from the kitchen behind me. Richard and I whipped our heads around from where we sat on the couch and our eyes opened in surprise at the sight of the fire that had broken out on the stove.

"What the hell is going on?" I sprung up from my seat as I rushed towards the kitchen.

Anna held a dish towel in her hand as she tried to smack the flames off. Zabdiel was filling up a bowl, that previously has lettuce in them, with water and threw it on the stove. That helped and the fire got smaller with every bowl of water.

"I told you I had it!" Anna yelled.

"Yeah, that's exactly what it looked like!" Zabdiel yelled back, matching her tone.

"Okay! Someone wanna tell me how this happened? I literally left for a minute." I asked, standing with my hands on my hips in disbelief.

"I was tossing it like you asked, okay? Until this teletubby over here came and added in the WRONG AMOUNT OF WINE AND TURNED IT INTO FREAKING SOUFFLÉ!" Anna tried to defend herself.

"You asked me to!"

From behind me, I heard Richard and Joel burst out into a fit of laughter. "They almost burnt down your apartment and you're laughing?" I turned around and asked Richard.

"Atleast we'll go down entertained. Seriously, how do they still live in one house?" He asked. I shrugged and focused my attention back on the 2 behind me that looked as if they were about to claw each others eyes out.

"Alright, let's just toss it. We can order pizza or something." That was the only way to resolve this problem.

"Pizza sounds good," Joel added with a thumbs up.

"NO! This was supposed to be a classy celebration with wine and pasta. We CANNOT settle for pizza!" Anna argued.

"Its okay, I really dont mind. Please, everyone else is going to be here in a little while. It's too late to start from scratch. We'd have to go out to get more ingredients and prep. Pizza is good," I assured her.

Yesterday, before the end of the day, I officially signed my contract for the new job. Richard and his dad had held a meeting with the department heads to announce this and informed Dylan that he'd now be my replacement. Dylan was ecstatic, naturally, and I was happy for him. Atleast I knew my job was going to someone who worked the way I did. When I went home to grab a few things before coming back here to Richard's place, I told Anna and she had insisted that we celebrate today. Her excuse being that we hadn't done anything fun in ages and that this was the perfect opportunity to let loose, as she put it. The plan was to get a few friends together for some food and drinks and then see where the night took us but now it was minus the food part.

"I'll make the call," Richard said, pulling out his phone. "4 should do?" He looked at me for confirmation and I nodded.

"Atleast we still have the wine," Anna tried to look on the bright side.

"Why dont you two just grab a beer and chill until the food gets here," I suggested.

"Music to my ears," Zab huffed in relief.

I was left alone in the kitchen after that. I didnt mind cleaning up the mess because if I left those two to do it, I'm almost certain that they would've managed to set the water on fire somehow. Richard joined me a few minutes later, startling me with a hand around my waist as I tossed the chopped up veggies and chicken into the garbage disposal.

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