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6 months later

It was the busiest Monday the office had ever had since Riley began working there. Lawyers, legal secretaries, admin clerks and people from HR paced the hallways of the firm. Riley had a pile of cases on her desk that she had to sort through before the end of the day.

"Miss Rivera?" Her assistant, Amy bust through her doors. From the glass framework of her office, Riley could see Amy coming and she knew that probably meant more work for her.

"Yeah?" Riley looked up from the case file she had her head buried in for the past 15 minutes.

"Your fiance called. He wanted to know if 2pm was a good time to pick you up?" Amy asked.

"For what?"

"For the estate viewing."

Oh shit! Riley thought. She had been so preoccupied lately that she had completely forgotten about the appointment that she and Richard had with the realtor. It was the last house the realtor had set up for them to view after not being fully satisfied with the previous ones.

"Uhm right." Riley stared at the copious amount of work she had staring back at her, debating whether Richard would be okay or not with her not coming to the viewing. "Eh, yeah tell him 2pm is perfect. Thank you, Amy." She couldnt let him go alone. After all, it was the house that they were probably going to spend the rest of their lives in.

Riley glanced at her wrist watch, it was already 12pm and she had 8 more case files to go through. As much as she loved her job, fast paced days were her worst nightmare. She pushed through, skimming through the files and sorting them into cases that the firm would take on and those that the firm would not. By 13:30 she was done and decided to distribute the files before Richard arrived to pick her up.

"Knock knock." Layla stood by the door, a warm smile plastered on her face as she greeted her friend.

"Just the person I wanted to see. I was just about to call you." Riley said as Layla took her seat.

"Oh? What's up?"

"I have a new case for you. You are done with the Miller's case right?"

"Yeah, the company settled. What's the new case?"

"Grace Carter. She's being charged with breach of contract by her company."

"Does she have a case?"

"Yeah a pretty good one."

"Okay, I'm down," layla accepted the case. Riley handed over the documents to her before asking her for one more favour. "These are just a few more cases. Will you please distribute them for me, I'm heading out in a few. A couple are for your team and the others are for Callaway's team. I've marked them accordingly."

"Sure, no problem."

For the past 6 months, having Layla around as a friend had helped Riley settle in with much more ease. She appreciated their friendship and occasionally when she needed a breather from her desk or just to rant about something, Layla was always there. She was her new Chris in a way, just a whole lot prettier and a lot less flirty.

"Where're you heading?" Layla asked as Riley slipped into her black blazer that she paired with matching dress pants and a baby pink blouse.

"Rich and I have that last house viewing today."

"Right. And how's the wedding plans coming along?"

"Terribly slow," Riley groaned. The only thing that's been confirmed so far was the venue, an outdoors space in palm beach. "Lay, I still need to find a freaking dress."

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