Reaction: Water

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Sophie: Quick! Get me some water! I'm going to die of dehydration!

Keefe: What's water?

Biana: Want some Youth?

Sophie: Gimme!

*an awkward silence later*

Keefe: What's water?

Sophie: It's just . . . water. How else can you describe it?

Fitz: Ooh, is it a human drink?

Sophie: . . . I guess

Keefe: So it's not to be mixed with the wire I found, right?

Sophie: No, you can't drink wires

Keefe: Got it

Keefe: I think

Dex: Can we try wires?

Sophie: Uh, sure, I guess

Sophie: *passes around glasses of water*

Tam: Why is the cup empty?

Linh: Look! Mine's a bird!

Tam: *flips cup upside down and splashes water all over himself* Oops

Sophie: Water's kind of transparent . . . so . . .

Tam: Ah. I see.

Keefe: *drinks all the water at once* 

Keefe: *promptly spits it back out*

Keefe: *splashes Sophie*

Sophie: Keefe! What was that for?

Keefe: You never said water was so BORING!

Fitz: I probably shouldn't trust Keefe, so I'm just going to drink it.

Keefe: Hey!

Fitz: *drinks all the water at once*

Fitz: *spits water all over Biana*

Biana: *shrieks and dumps her cup of water over Fitz's head*

Sophie: Guys!

Wylie: Okay, I'm just going to toss this out the window

Wylie: *tosses water and cup out the window*


Linh: *screams in agony*

Marella: I'm so sorry!

Linh: *kneeling over a puddle of water on the carpet* My birdy!

Marella: Here. You can have my—oops!

Sophie: GUYS!

Linh: Where's the water?

Marella: I evaporated it.

Linh: *goes back to wailing*

Sophie: GUYS!

Everyone else: *stops in the middle of what they were doing*

Sophie: Where's Dex?

Keefe: Where's my cup of wires?

Sophie: You mean 'water'?

Keefe: No, wires

Dex: *holding a cup with some wires in it* Wait . . . it was water we were supposed to try?

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