Reaction: Fitz stuck in a chandelier

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yay. A double update.

*at Everglen*

Sophie: *points at chandelier* Is that where you got stuck?

Fitz: *groans*

Biana: *tries to cover a snort* I remember that. 

Biana: I think I'll laugh about that for the rest of my indefinite life

Marella: Wait, is it that time Fitz got stuck in a chandelier?

Fitz: How do you know about that?

Sophie: I didn't tell her

Dex: Wait, tell me everything

Keefe: I can't believe I don't know!

Tam: Oh, my, what fun

Linh: Tam thinks it's FUN, guys!

Wylie: How does a person even get stuck in a chandelier? 

Sophie: Well, if that person is levitating . . .

Biana: And very clumsy . . .

Keefe: Eh, that person can't be more clumsy than Foster

Sophie: EXCUSE ME?

Fitz: Can we stop now?

Biana: No! This is the best part

Keefe: What? I need this. Tellmetellmetellmetellme

Dex and Keefe: Tellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellme

Everyone except Sophie, Biana, and Fitz: Tellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmeellmetellmetellmetellme!

Fitz: *runs away in embarrassment*

Biana: The gnomes had to climb on top of each other to get him down!


Dex: *wipes tears from his eyes* That is the best thing I have EVER heard

Marella: That story made my day

Tam: I can't believe I am smiling.

Linh: I can't, either!

Wylie: That has to be the funniest thing I will ever hear

Sophie: I know, I know

Keefe: Like, imagine levitating—*he levitates*—and then trying to move around—

Biana: He was trying to climb the stairs

Keefe: *tries levitating up the stairs*

Keefe: And then—OOF


Keefe: Seriously?

Fitz: Wait, what?

Keefe: Help me!

Sophie: I . .  *snorts* . . . can't believe . . . AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Fitz: *joins in the hysterical laughter*

Alden and Della: Wait, what's happening—

Alden and Della: This is even better than when Fitz got stuck

Sophie: Seriously, we should rename this chandelier

Keefe: That's my job!

Keefe: I say, let's call it . . . The Charming Chandelier! Because everyone who gets withing two meters of it gets sucked into the dangling crystals!

Sophie: I suppose that works

Keefe: Ah HA! I am the best, even when stuck in a chandelier

Fitz: Now I feel better

Keefe: Ah, ah, ah! No, because YOU did it by ACCIDENT, and I did it on PURPOSE

Sophie: Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly

Keefe: Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy

Marella: How are you going to get down, then?

Keefe: Why, by gnome, of course! I have to copy everything the Fitzter did. 

*five hours later*

Keefe: This is so embarrassing

Fitz: This is officially worse than my episode

Biana: Sorry, Keefe, but I have to agree

Sophie: After all, it's not everyone who can make the Vackers remove their chandelier so they can get you out

Keefe: It's not my fault! Tell that to the Charming Chandelier!

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