Reaction: Sharpies

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Sophie: Oooh, look! A pack of Sharpies!

Keefe: What nows?

Sophie: Sharpies. Please, do tell me you know what that is.

Everyone else: *stares at Sophie*

Sophie: Seriously? What do you guys use to trace stuff?

Fitz: We just... don't. Trace stuff.

Sophie: *stares uncomprehendingly*

Biana: Oooh, so many COLORS.

Linh: Whoa, Tam. We could have used these to colour our hair!

Tam: Melting our pendants was rather tedious.

Wylie: Why would someone need to trace something?

Sophie: I don't know. School projects.

Wylie: Oh. Well. We don't do that.

Sophie: No wonder there's no Sharpies here then.

Dex: This isn't technology now is it.

Sophie: Sorry, Dex.

Marella: They're pretty.

Marella: The colours, I mean.

Marella: The reds and oranges and yellows blend well enough to seem like fire.

Sophie: What? How do you know that-

Marella: *drawing with Sharpies on her hands*

Sophie: Marella! Stop!

Marella: *confused*

Sophie: It's PERMANENT!

Keefe: Really?

Keefe: *had drawn a mustache and bushy eyebrows on his face and was currently colouring his nails a bright green*

Sophie: *facepalms*

Sophie: I have no idea how to get that off, you know. On the box, it says "permanent markers"

Keefe: Ah, but we don't read English or whatever language it's in

Sophie: Could you have waited for me to tell you that it was

Keefe: It looked like a pen.

Sophie: It sort of is, I guess.

Fitz: Hey!

Sophie: Huh?

Biana: Holding a bright pink Sharpie and had coloured all of Fitz's nails while he was watching Sophie and Keefe argue*

Sophie: Nice makeover?

Fitz: *Glares at everyone*

Linh: Ooh! I've got an idea!

Sophie: What?

Linh: A boy makeover!

Biana: I've already started on my brother!

Keefe: I started on myself!

Tam: *to Linh* Get. Away. From. Me. 

Sophie: Come on, girls. CHARGE!

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