Reaction: Badminton

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*Amy and Sophie are playing badminton in Havenfield when rest of Keeper Crew arrives*

Keefe: What are you doing?

Sophie: Playing... bad...

Linh: What's bad?

Amy: Badminton.

Fitz: Baddimon?

Keefe: Badmintman.

Wylie: You all have hearing problems. She said Badmintin.

Marella: Think twice before you speak! Badminton.

Tam: Can we try?

Sophie: Sure go ahead. So, you have to just-

Tam: We get it. You've been playing in front of us for like, three hours.

Linh: Yeah. We got it.

*Tam and Linh try to play badminton*

Keefe: You so not got it.

Tam: Let's see you try.

Keefe: Fitz, be my partner.

Fitz: Sure...?

Keefe: *plays badminton very well*

Fitz: *plays very bad badminton*

Keefe: You see? I'm a natural.

Wylie: Why is Amy even here?

Sophie: I snuck her here from a friend's sleepover.

Amy: I didn't really want to leave, but... hey. I don't see you very often.

Sophie: True.

Marella: I don't like this, Bidmontin.

Dex: I'm pretty sure it was Badmintoin.

Dex: Maybe this badminton isn't our thing.


Dex: So it's Badmintoin?

Amy and Sophie: *sighs*

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