Reaction: Google

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Keefe: What is two plus two

Linh: Ooh, math!

Sophie: Google it

Keefe: Excuse me?

Sophie: Oh, yeah. Elves don't have Google.

Dex: Oh, is that that thing you used on the computer?

Sophie: Yeah, Google.

Marella: Google is a funny word

Sophie: Well. . . I guess.

Wylie: So what's it for?

Keefe: Finding out two plus two?

Sophie: That's possible

Keefe: I need this Google

Sophie: I agree.

Keefe: Why?

Sophie: Then you could stop asking me kindergarten-level math questions.

Keefe: But I also asked what a hot air saloon is!


Keefe: Ah

Fitz: So can it tell me how to shut Keefe up?

Keefe: HEY!

Sophie: That's a difficult job

Tam: I would be all for it

Fitz: Then you can have it

Biana: Guys, bad idea

Fitz and Tam: Why?

Keefe: *with mischievous gleam in his eyes* You're on

Fitz and Tam: . . . 

Fitz and Tam: Eh

Fitz and Tam: Let's to some research

*two hours later*

Sophie: Any luck?

Fitz and Tam: No

Keefe: Ha HA

Fitz: and Tam: So? We can research for another twelve hours

Keefe: Not what I meant

Biana: Told you so

Sophie: Look, Biana, makeup hacks

Biana: *squeals*

Sophie: Look, Dex, technology hacks

Dex: *snorts* As if I need that

*awkward silence*

Dex: Lemme see

 Sophie: Hmm. . . hey, everyone, look, a Google Pacman game!

Dex: Those are so OBVIOUSLY programmed

Sophie: Oh, really?

Sophie: I never knew

Sophie: Aw, I died!

*two minutes later*

Dex: Ha HA!

Biana: *groans* That's why you never play Plateman with Dex

Marella: I feel bad for us

Wylie: We all died in three seconds—

Linh: —and then there's Dex.

*everyone stares at Dex playing Pacman*


Everyone else: WE GET IT, DEX

Dex: Ooh, ooh, almost at a new highscore—

Dex: HEY! KEEFE! NO! YOU JUST RUINED MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *bangs head on a table as Keefe snatches the computed from Dex*

Keefe: Sorry, but I need to find out how to make a hot air saloon stay in the air forever

Sophie: Balloon

Biana: *to Fitz and Tam* You guys are doomed

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