Reaction: Magnets

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Sophie: Don't you guys just love the new whiteboard I got?

Sophie: It comes with magnets!

Keefe: A human thing, am I right?


Keefe: Knew it

Dex: How does it work?

Sophie: Look. Just take it *takes magnet* and put it on the board *does as she says*

Fitz: *wide-eyed* *whispers* It's that 'magic' you mentioned when I first told you you were an elf

Sophie: *laughs* Yeah right

Sophie: No, it's just a magnet

Sophie: What?

Everyone else: *stares at her like she's crazy* JUST a MAGNET?

Sophie: Well, I mean, I grew up with twenty of those on my fridge—

Dex: —that metal frozen thing, yes, I remember—

Sophie: —so it's no biggie

Linh: No biggie! I need to go get one NOW!

Marella: Where is the nearest magnet shop?

Sophie: I suppose you can just go to Walmart for cheap ones—

Sophie: Or, no, the dollar store. It should only cost a dollar or so there. . .

Dex: From the human movies I watch, nothing at the dollar store costs a dollar

Sophie: True, true. . . 

Tam: Please no

Sophie: Huh?

Tam: Linh just went to that dollar store and bought a 100-pack of magnets and a fridge. She's bringing it home now. I'm doomed.

Keefe: Oh, my. For once I'm glad I don't have a sister.

Keefe: Although I'll have Foster to deal with

Sophie: Hey, I didn't go on a magnet shopping spree

Biana: Fitz, we need a TEN fridges and a 1,000 pack of magnets

Fitz: Uhh. . . why?

Biana: I need to beat Linh!

Marella: Then I'm gonna need A HUNDRED fridges and whatever 1,000 times a hundred is, because when Sophie talked about math I fell asleep.

Sophie: 100,000, I believe

Marella: Too bad I don't have a brother to annoy

Dex: Oh no

Dex: Don't look at me

Dex: I already have three siblings!

Marella: C'mon, Dex, let's beat Biana and Fitz to the dollar store!

Marella and Dex: *lighleaps away*

Biana: Hurry, Fitz!

Fitz and Biana: *lightleaps away*

Sophie: You need to go to another place for fridges!

Sophie: Dollar stores don't sell fridges, the last time I checked. 

Keefe: Foster! Get over here!

Sophie: *yelps as Keefe grabs her* What? Why?

Keefe: What's a hundred thousand times a thousand?

Sophie: Uhh, I don't know, one billion?

Keefe: Okay, then we need to buy a billion magnets and one thousand fridges before the other teams

Sophie: What other teams?

Keefe: You know, Marella and Dex, Fitz and Biana, and Tam and Linh

Sophie: One BILLION magnets, though?

Keefe: Not kidding! I live in a two-hundred story skyscraper, so there'll be enough room, let's go

Sophie and Keefe: *lightleaps away*

Wylie: Umm. . . what about me?

Keefe: *lightleaps back for a second*

Keefe: Try to get 1,000,000,000,000 magnets and 10,000 fridges before the rest of us!

Keefe: I'm going now, 'cause Foster's gonna drop all our magnets down a 'sewer' or something if I don't catch them in time

Wylie: Um. . . hard pass

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