Reaction: Stickers

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Hi! I'm sorry for not updating as often as usual, but I'm actually kind of really busy at the moment and will be for the rest of the week at least. There will be a short update here, but I'm not sure when the next one will be up. Well, thank you all for reading this, and especially since I noticed a few days ago that this story was #1 in keeperofthelostcities! That was a really big and really nice surprise! Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I will try as often as possible to update in the next few weeks.

Sophie: There. A perfect card.

Keefe: What's that thing on the envelope?

Sophie: A sticker. I hope Edaline likes fake plastic jewels. It was all I could find.

Fitz: Why don't you use a real one?

Sophie: They don't stick on paper

Biana: Hmm . . .

Dex: So you got some fake one?

Sophie: I'm sure it's fine

Linh: Well, I guess it's an okay alternative

Tam: It's a bit sparkly

To: FINALLY someone who understands what I'm going though! This is a nightmare.

Tam: I meant that thing Keefe is holding

Keefe: *holding a life-size statue of himself made of sapphires* Want a piece?

Sophie: *gawks*

Wylie: I want some

Keefe: Sorry, an offer for Foster only. So?

Sophie: Uhh . . .

Dex: Too elvin for you?

Sophie: No, just wondring where I'll find some tape

Keefe: Here, take a fingernail—

Sophie: Ew, no

Keefe: —from my statue, not me—

Sophie: Here, I'll take this *plucks a piece if Keefe's sapphire-hair

Keefe: *screams in agony*

Tam: What now?

Keefe: Foster! You just ruined The Hair #2!

Sophie: No I didn't

Keefe: *screaming at the tip of his lungs* BUT YOU RIPPED A PIECE OFF!

Sophie: No I didn't


Marella: Uh, no, that was her sticker

Keefe: Sticker?

Sophie: I tricked you!

Keefe: Can I see the stickers?

Sophie: *hands over the package of fake jewels*

Keefe: Everyone turn around

Everyone else: *turns around*

Keefe: Okay, look! I'm setting a new trend!

Keefe: *has covers his face in fake sticker jewels*

Sophie: Seriously?

Keefe: What? It's fashionable

Sophie: No, first, sticking stickers on someone's face is something a five year old does

Keefe: Says who?

Sophie: Says me

Biana: And also, those don't come off

Biana: *makes a point by pointing at the package*

Fitz: *snorts* Very fashionable indeed

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