Reaction: Computer mouse

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Sophie: *walking into her room with her friends in tow*

Sophie: *trips*

Sophie: Hey, who put a mouse here?

Linh: A MOUSE?

Biana: *screams and runs back downstairs*

Keefe: You tripped over a mouse?

Sophie: Not that kind of mouse.

Keefe: What kind of mouse? I'm talking about the living breathing grey mouse that you can find nibbling on grass outside.

Fitz: Where did it go? It's going to eat everything.

Sophie: If it were alive I'd wish it did. 

Sophie: My dresses, okay.

Marella: Where is it then?

Dex: Okay, this time, I won't ask if it's technology. I have given up.

Sophie: I guess you could say it's technology...

Dex: Really?

Sophie: Really.

Wylie: Wait... but... it's a mouse.

Sophie: Yeah.

Wylie: And a mouse... is technology?


Sophie: Ah ah ah...

Sophie: *holds mouse out of reach*

Linh: What is that thing? That's not a mouse.

Sophie: Sure it is. It's a computer mouse.

Biana: *peeks head into room* Is it gone?

Sophie: No.

Biana: *screams and runs away again*

Sophie: *sighs*

Keefe: No!

Sophie: What?


Sophie: Huh?

Dex: *climbs onto Keefe's back* He's helping me get my mouse!

Biana: *yells from downstairs* WHY DO YOU WANT THAT MOUSE? EW!

Fitz: *yells downstairs* HOW CAN YOU HEAR US?

Biana: *yells from downstairs* I HAVE SHARP EARS!

Fitz: *yells downstairs* YEAH RIGHT.

Biana: *yells from downstairs* I DO!

Fitz: *yells downstairs* WHATEVER YOU SAAAAYYYY....

Biana: *yells from downstairs* OF COUSE WHATEVER I SAY. WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Dex: YES!

Fitz and Biana: *yells* WHAT?


Biana: STOP IT OR I'll—


Sophie: Hey!

Linh: That's not a mouse

Wylie: What is that?

Marella: Sophie said it's human technology

Biana: *yells from downstairs* SO IT'S NOT A REAL MOUSE?

Sophie: *yells downstairs* NO.

Biana: *apprears out of thin air* Oh.

Dex: *shrieks and drops mouse*

Sophie: *snatches mouse* Ah HA!

Dex: Why must you bully me...

Sophie: Okay here

Dex: Really?

Sophie: No *evil laugh*

Dex: I hate you guys

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