Reaction: Lego

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Sophie: Whoa, what's this doing here?

Keefe: What?

Sophie: A... box of Lego

Fitz: What now?

Biana: Legs?


Sophie: No, no. Lego

Linh: And what, exactly, is that ?

Dex: Is it technology? Human technology?

Sophie: No

Dex: Oh

Wylie: What is it though? Looks fun.

Sophie: It is. I played with it as a child

Keefe: As if you aren't one now

Sophie: Excuse me?

Keefe: Nothing, I said you're a very mature adult

Sophie: Hmmm...

Biana: What do you do with these... legos?

Sophie: Well, this sounds silly, but you build

Everyone else: What?

Sophie: So basically these are blocks-

Keefe: Of what exactly?

Sophie: Well... plastic, actually.

Fitz: Okaaaaay... so human children find pleasure in putting pieces of... plastic... together?

Sophie: Well, I sure did.

Linh: Can we try?

Tam: They look dangerous

*Everyone else stares at him in confusion*

Tam: I mean, for children

Keefe: *whispers very loudly* Like Foster

Sophie: Okay, one revenge getting plotted, right here, right now

Biana: I'd GLADLY help you

Sophie: So, basically, to play with these Legos, all you have to do is take the manual and copy everything it-

Dex: *grabs the set of Lego Sophie's holding* I CALL THIS ONE

Sophie: Isn't that the only one?

Linh: Actually, a dozen just fell from the sky behind you

Wylie: Literally

*5 minutes later*

*Everyone has a Lego set and is building contentedly*

Keefe: It's like a daycare. For children.

Sophie: You say that again and I'll-

Keefe: It's like a daycare. For-

Sophie: I didn't mean literally

Biana: *whispers to Sophie* Prepared for the revenge?

Sophie: Yup

Sophie and Biana: Dumps 10 sets worth of Lego behind Keefe, who was currently crouched and building his Lego set contentedly*

Keefe: *sits down* YEOWCH!

Biana: *grabs Sophie's hand and vanishes them both*

Keefe: I'm going to FIND YOUUUUUU

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