Reaction: Piano

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Keefe: What

Keefe: Is

Keefe: THAT?

Sophie: I believe that it is a piano

Dex: Ooh, pianos! I know about those!

Dex: From human movies anyways

Fitz: Why is it two colors

Sophie: I don't know! I didn't play the piano!

Marella: Sophie not knowing something about human things?

Tam: New world record

Sophie: Excuse me?

Biana: But you know everything! 

Sophie: For the LAST TIME I didn't play the piano!

Keefe: That isn't the same as not knowing what it is though...

*awkward silence*

Keefe: So? Will you tell us what the black rectangles do?

Linh: There are white ones too...

Linh: Do they do the same thing?

Sophie: I don't—

Sophie: ...

Sophie: Those are keys, I believe

Keefe: See! You do know what a plan is!

Sophie: Piano

Keefe: Okay, a piano!

Sophie: *presses a key* Yeah, there are to make music

Biana: *scrunches up her nose* Music?

Keefe: Ooh! Remember the Beethoven thing?


Keefe: Can we play that on the piano?

Sophie: It's supposed to be played by a symphony orchestra

(Sorry I did music history :( )

Sophie: But I can try...

Sophie: *Plays random notes that sound nothing like what Keefe had asked*

Marella: See, this is why elves don't have music

Wylie: I do

Marella: Corerection: This is why most elves don't have music

Sophie: Okay, I know, well, I didn't play piano!

Fitz: That's the third time you said that

Sophie: Because you aren't getting it

Keefe: Ooh! So shiny *touches the keys*

Keefe: *starts playing Beethoven's Symphony no. 5 on the piano perfectly*

Everyone else: *jaw drop*

Sophie: How did you do that

Keefe: First of all, I'm awesome like that

Keefe: Second, there was some sheet music right here

Sophie: *grumbles* And five minutes ago you were asking what that thing was

Keefe: Why, Sophie, I never thought you'd have to ask! It's a piano!

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