Reaction: Bubble tea

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Thank you for the 1K reads! It's WAY more than I expected... :))) (P.S. Sorry for not updatinggg...)

*In the kitchen in Havenfield, cooking (obviously)*

Sophie: Ta-DA! *Holds up a wonderfully huge cup of homemade bubble tea

Everyone else: What. Is. THAT?

Sophie: *O shaped mouth

Keefe: What? What'd we say?

Sophie: You... don't. Know. What. Bubble tea. Is?

Biana: Bobble tea?

Dex: Oh! Is it those bobbleheads I heard about in the human world?

Sophie: What? No!

Fitz: Is it edible?

Sophie: Drinkable

Marella: What are those beads doing in there?

Sophie: They're tapiocas

Marella: What nows?

Wylie: I think they're... tap-in-class

Sophie: Huh?

Wylie: That's what you said, right? Tap-in-class

Tam: *eye roll* It's tapioca

Sophie: *claps* Wow, I'm so proud of you. Someone who can understand me!

Linh: But what's the... liquid stuff?

Sophie: Bubble tea. It's good.

Linh: Can I try?

Keefe: Me too!

Biana: I guess I want to try...

Fitz: Is it poisonous?

Sophie: Do you think I want to poison you?

Fitz: Uh... o-of course not!

Sophie: That's what I thought

Keefe: Ooooooohhh...

Sophie: Since I have such a big cup, I'll be very generous and give you all a bit of my lovely *looks at Fitz* bubble tea

Everyone but Fitz and Tam (because he's sour): Yes, please!

Sophie: *takes some cups and pours some bubble tea into each one and saves the most for herself (very generous, Sophie)*

Linh: *eyes widen*

Linh and Biana: That... was AWESOME!

Sophie: *smirks* Told you

Fitz: *still staring at his cup*

Keefe: Hey, if you're not drinking that, I'm here, you know?

Fitz: I am drinking it

*10 minutes later*

Marella: Can I have moreeeeeeeeeee?

Dex: Yeah, you left, like, a half for yoursellllllllllf...

Biana: Can I have a sip?

Sophie: Mine, mine, mine...

Tam: You still haven't drunk yours.

Linh: Yeah, Fitz! We've all finished!

Marella: Except Sophie

Wylie: We ALL know why

Keefe: So, Fitzy, ready to take me up on the offer?

Fitz: No, I was just about to drink it. It was too hot.

Everyone else: BUBBLE TEA IS COLD

Sophie: Well, at least the one I made

Fitz: *sighs* Here goes nothing...

Fitz: *Takes a gulp of bubble tea*

Fitz: *Almost immediately chokes on a tapioca*

Keefe: *snorts*

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