Reaction: French

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Sophie: *screams*

Rest of Keeper Crew: WhAT HAPPENED?

Sophie: There's a random... man in my room.

Keefe: Let's go check him out!

Keeper Crew: *walks into Sophie's room*

Keeper crew: Whoa. He's not an elf. Who is he?

Sophie: Hi

Sophie: Hola

Sophie: مرحبا

Sophie: Bongu

Sophie: 여보세요

Sophie: こんにちは

Sophie: 你好

Sophie: Bonjour

Man: Bonjour!

Sophie: He speaks le French

Linh: ...the France?

Sophie: That's where they live.

Tam: Oh.

Fitz: So french is the language? 

Man: Ques't qui se passe? (A/N: Sorry my grammar is horrible) (What's happening?)

Sophie: Rien. (Nothing)

Man: Ou suis-je? (A/N: Sorry I have no accents...) (Where am I?)

Sophie: Tu ne peut pas savoir. (You may not know)

(Yes, and btw I did write this with my own knowledge. So there.)

Man: Pourquoi? (Why?)

Sophie: C'est un secrete. (It's a secret)

Man: Est-ce-que je peut retourner en France? (Can I go back to France?)

Marella: Hey, it's that Franch place!

Wylie: It's France

Sophie: Just when I thought you were the one who understands me, you fail.

Marella: Hey, that's just mean.

Man: Est-ce-que tu parle l'anglais? Je le parle aussi. (Are you speaking English? I know it too)

Sophie: Pouvais tu le dire avant? Je sais l'anglais mieu que le francais! (Couldn't you have told me earlier? I know english better than french!)

Man: Hello.

Fitz: Hi.

Biana: What language are you talking in? 

Sophie: English.

Man: Stop babbling.

Keefe: We aren't babbling! We're-

Keeper Crew minus Keefe: SHUSH (Enlightened language. I only let Fitz, Keefe, Dex and Sophie know English)

Dex: Hi there.

Man: Hi. I think I've seen you before...

Sophie: (EL, enlightened language) Dex! This is the man who got mad at us when.. after we were... you know.

Dex: Right.

Keefe: Maybe this is a bad time. We can... you know, send this man back and go home. Right?

Fitz: Sophie and I will send back the man. Send a Washer.

Dex: Alright.

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