Reaction: Hotels

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Sophie: Let's see. . . We can stay at a hotel!

Keefe: What is a hotel

Keefe: And why do we need to stay there

Keefe: We have HOUSES already, so. . .

Sophie: Humans like vacations, remember? Like doing to Hawaii. Remember that?

Keefe: Yes, it's in the middle of nowhere

Keefe: That's what you said even if I don't think so

Keefe: The Atlantic ocean is somewhere, right?

Biana: It's in the Pacific ocean

Keefe: Same thing

Sophie: No it's not

Keefe: Oh, sure, whatever

Sophie: Hotels. . . We need a hotel. I never booked at a hotel before though. . .

Fitz: I'm sure you can figure it out

Sophie: Yeah, just say, 'I need a room for nine people please'

Sophie: Yeah, they totally won't freak out

Marella: Why would they freak out?

Sophie: I'm pretty sure they don't have rooms for nine people

Wylie: That's too bad. We can get two rooms then

Sophie: Oh yeah!

Keefe: Why do we need rooms

Sophie: To sleep in

Keefe: Why do we need a room to sleep in?

Sophie: Do you want to sleep outside? I can book a room for eight

Keefe: Why would I sleep outside?

Sophie: Because—*groans and puts her head in her hands while facepalming at the same time*—you just asked why we need a hotel room!

Keefe: Yeah, you still didn't answer that


Keefe: Did you?

Sophie: *rubs her temples*

Tam: Do you know why I always have a headache now?

Sophie: Perhaps

Linh: Hotels are for what other than sleeping in?

Sophie: That is literally their sole reason. Or maybe they have a restaurant or a pool or something. Then you can have entertainment or something.

Fitz: And food

Sophie: It depends though

Dex: Why do we need to sleep in a hotel? We have a house

Sophie: Sometimes people vacation far away from their house. It wouldn't make sense to take a plane to Hawaii, then go back for the night, and go back

Tam: Sounds like something Keefe would do

Keefe: Hey!

Biana: We don't need a hotel though. We can lighleap home

Sophie: Hotels are cooler on vacation

Biana: There are makeup products there, and a large closet and also a jacuzzi, yes?

Sophie: . . .

Biana: *sigh* I better get packing

Fitz: I don't think you can pack jacuzzis

Biana: Ah well. A portable inflatable pool with bubbles will have to do

Fitz: Girls

Linh: Then why do you need to book something? What do books have to do with these hotel things?

Sophie: 'Book' means 'to kind of order a room'

Linh: Ahh. . . So we need to order a room like in a restaurant

Sophie: . . . Sure

*Five days later*

Fitz: Another plane ride?

Biana: I call not sitting next to him!

Keefe: Don't worry, he has a ticket at the back of the plane

Fitz: What?

Keefe: I may or may not have done that so we don't have to smell your puke

Fitz: Thanks a lot

Keefe: You're very welcome

Sophie: Okayyy. . . So to Hawaii! Again!

Wylie: Too bad I lost my leaping crystal. . .

*Some hours later*

Sophie: Here we are

Keefe: This is the hotel?

Dex: There is a sign. It says, 'hotel'

Keefe: I see

Keefe: No I don't see

Keefe: Oh well

Sophie: So we just go in and tell the person at the desk that there's two rooms under 'Sophie Foster'—

Keefe: *dashes into the lobby*

*Five seconds later*

Keefe: Why are there only eight names listed? Sophie Foster, Biana Vacker, Fitz Vacker, Tam Song, Linh Song, Wylie Endal, Dex Dizznee and Marella . . .?

Sophie: You were the one who seemed to think that hotels were necessary. There's a nice campsite on the next street over

Keefe: WHAT?

Tam: Don't worry, it's not Sophie's fault

Keefe: Let me guess, it's yours

Tam: No, it's Fitz's

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