Reaction: Rice

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*It is a normal day. The Keeper crew is eating at the Shores of Solace. Or the Waves of Wimpiness  as Ro dubbed it*

Lord Cassius: Keefe. What did you do.

Keefe: I invited my friends over for dinner. 

Lord Cassius: I'm leaving.

Keefe: That's good.

*Lord Cassius leaves to who-knows-where*

Keefe: Come on in!

*Everyone comes in and sits down*

Keefe: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy... I didn't prepare this... thing for dinner!

Biana: What even is that thing?

Fitz: It looks like... a thing called grain from the human world.

Sophie: Actually, it's called rice.

Linh: Ribe?

Tam: She said rive.

Keefe: Rife.

 Fitz: Rage.

Biana: Makeup!

Sophie: Makeup?

Biana: There's a really random makeup table over there... *points at the other end of the room*

Keefe: *blushes*Oh... my dad uses that for his hair.

Sophie: Um hmmm... and you don't.

Keefe: *blushes* Okay, maybe only I do...

Fitz: Sophie! You made Keefe confess! We applaud you.

Keefe: Hey, I need to keep The Hair in good condition!

Tam: Yeah... as if we care.

Keefe: Did you just criticize The Hair?

Tam: Yup.

Keefe: What did you just say?

Tam: That I criticize The Hair.

Linh: Guys, can we just find out what this rife is?

Biana: Sophie's waiting.

Tam and Keefe: Sorry.

Fitz: Sophie! You got an apology out of Keefe! And Tam! We applaud you some more!

Sophie: *blushes* Anyways... humans eat rice-

Linh: I thought it was rife.

Sophie: Rice

Sophie: ANYWAYS humans eat rice to fill their tummies. 

Keefe: What a great explanation.

Tam: I know right.


Fitz: Sophie, we must really applaud you.

*applause from the Keeper crew minus Tam and Keefe, who are fuming at each other*

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