Reaction: Cars

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*Keeper crew is standing at the edge of the cliffs of Havenfield. Sophie accidentally teleports them to a Forbidden City*

Sophie: Wow! We're in Vancouver!

Keefe: Cool! We're in a Forbidden City!

Fitz: What? Where are we?

Biana: *bewildered*

Wylie: I'm confused guys.

Marella: Me too.

Sophie: Watch out! Cars! Keefe! GET BACK HERE!

Keefe: What? Those things can hurt me?

Fitz: Anyone have an Obscurer?

Biana: Nope.

Linh: An Obscurer? Why?

Tam: Humans think wearing that when we're wearing our elvin clothes we are weird.

Dex: How do those things work?

Sophie: The cars?

Dex: No, the thing that almost hit Keefe.

Dex: I would prefer it if it did.

Sophie: That's a car.

Fitz: *laughs* The Hair is messed up!

Keeper crew minus Keefe: *laughs* Lol.

Keefe: You guys just offended The Hair! How could you!

Sophie and Biana: *giggles*

Sophie: Oh, Dex. About the cars- 

Dex: The thing that almost hit Keefe?

Dex: I would prefer it if it did.

Sophie: I KNOW but it's a car people.

Dex: Oh.

Dex: Well, how does it work? Is it a gadget?

Sophie: Maybe-


Fitz: We really need an Obscurer. An addler at least?

Marella: We don't have any.

Sophie: Then we hide.

*a random mom and her child is staring at the Keeper crew from across the street and filming them on her phone*


Sophie: You really like gadgets.

Dex: Obviously. I'm a Technopath.

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