Reaction: Oreos

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Keefe: Where are those E. L. Fudges you promised me?

Sophie: Sorry, Amy only had Oreos today

Keefe: Wait, what?

Sophie: Oreos. Don't tell me elves haven't heard of them.

Linh: Sorry, we haven't

Sophie: WHAT

Sophie: Okay, here, look

*everyone crowds around the package of cookie*

Keefe: Are these biscuits

Sophie: No! Those are British versions of cookies, I think. These are the American stuff

Fitz: What's that thing in the middle

Dex: It's food, right?

Fitz: The biscuits Keefe gave me last time were disgusting

Biana: *recoils as i fit's poisonous* Eww, oaky, never mind

Marella: Why's it black?

Sophie: That's just the color of the cookie on the outside. 

Sophie: Ooh, but there's the golden Oreos!

Keefe: Wait, what?

Wylie: So there's like seven different types of Ovals?

Sophie: Well, yeah, I think

Sophie: And they're Oreos


Keefe: You're acting like Biana with the Vaseline

Sophie: You weren't supposed to eat that, by the way

Keefe: It's fine. I only puked for sixteen days

Sophie: See?

Linh: Uh, Tam, you okay?

Tam: No. Sophie just poisoned me

Linh: Um, why are you spitting the stuff all over Keefe's hair?

Keefe: WAIT, WHAT?

Sophie: Um, ew

Dex: No kidding

Tam: At least it was worth something


Tam: *shrugs* I need some water

Tam: That was horrible

Sophie: Okay, bye, Oreos

Sophie: *tosses package of Oreos out the window*

Sophie: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait . . .

Sophie: *gets the Oreos back from outside and takes a few*

Sophie: *munches on Oreos*


Tam: See?

Keefe: I'm dying!

Sophie: Ugh, these are the mint Oreos, right?

Dex: It said so on the package

Sophie: *swipe a bit of the cream part and smells it* It's TOOTHPASTE

Tam: What now?

Keefe: Help me!

Sophie: I have a very urgent call to make

Marella: To who?


Sophie: Amy

Sophie: What, Keefe? 

Keefe: Look at the state of my hair! 

Keefe: I'm gonna die of EMBARRASMENT!

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