Reaction: Banks

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Amy: Bye, Sophie! I hope to see a $1 000 000 check on my doorstep for my birthday! *Light leaps away with Mr. Forkle*

Sophie: Okay! Bye!

Keefe: What in the world is a check?

Fitz: I'm assuming it's not those check marks.

Sophie: No, it's not. It's a thing humans use to—

Keefe: Human stuff again!

Dex: But not technology *sighs*

Sophie: AS I WAS SAYING a check us something humans use to give money to other without having to give a bunch of bills. The money is transterred from their bank account and—

Biana: What's a bank?

Linh: Bank account, too.

Sophie: It'll be easier if I show you. But please be careful because—

Keefe: We always are! Who ruined our reputation?

Tam: You, of course.

Keefe: That's mean, dude.

Marella: Careful? You should leave Keefe behind.

Keefe: Are you guys ganging up on me?

Everyone else: Sure.

Keefe: *pretends to cry*

Sophie: *rolls eyes* Let's go. Keefe too, I guess.

Keefe: *abruptly stops fake crying and jumps up and down* FORBIDDEN CITIES HERE WE COMEEE!

Wylie: Someone's excited.


Sophie: It's a bank, Keefe.

Keefe: I see, I see. Backs are still cool.

Sophie: Whatever you say.

*Teleports to a random bank*

Sophie: So this is a bank. People store money in them. That's why we need to be careful to — KEEFE!

Keefe: *runs into the bank with a bag* I'm getting Amy her 1 million!


Keefe: Ha! No stopping ME! Stop worrying, Foster! What's the worse that can happen? *runs into bank before anyone can stop him*

Sophie: That you can get arrested.

*half a day later*

Tam: Oh, goodie, the criminal is out of jail. Ahh, run for your life. *dripping with sarcasm*

Sophie: I told you not to go in!

Keefe: And you know how well I listen!

Biana: Well, it's dinnertime. Were getting something called macaroons that Sophie said tastes almost as good as mallowmelt.

Keefe: I'm coming too!

Sophie: Sorry, bank robbers can't come with us.

*Everyone else leaves*

Keefe: I won't rob banks anymore!

Sophie: *pokes head through door* What was that? Did Keefe listen to me?

Keefe: You bet! Where's my maroon?

Sophie: It's a macaroon.

Keefe: *canines macaroons Sophie tossed him* You were wrong. How can this crunchy thing be a tight competitor to mallowmelt?

Keefe: *bites the macaroon* *eyes widen*

Sophie: *smirks* I'm never wrong.

Keefe: Okay, okay. The Mysterious Ms.  F wins.

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