Reaction: The Forbidden Cities

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Keefe: Hey Foster. Care to teleport us to a Forbidden City?

Sophie: Yes.

Keefe: OK then.

Keefe: Who votes for Sophie to bring us to a Forbidden City?

Rest of Keeper crew: ME.

Keefe: *smirks*

Sophie: *sighs* 

Keefe: Let's GO.

Sophie: *teleports everyone to Paris*

Linh: What is that? *points at Eiffel Tower*

Keefe: A needle, duh.

Tam: That big? Who needs a needle that big?

Marella: To make a really big sweater.

Fitz: To jab someone? *nudges Keefe* Like him?

Keefe: Excuse me?

Biana: Guys. LOOK, WE'RE FAMOUS.

*a bunch of humans are snapping photos of them*

Keefe: Hey guys! Aren't I the best? Better that THIS guy, right? *points at Fitz*

*group of fangirls run over to Fitz*

Keefe: Hey! What about me? I AM THE BEST RIGHT?

Sophie: They seem to think otherwise.

Tam: *snickers*

Dex: What does the needle do, anyways?

Sophie: Why do you guys always misunderstand the meaning of human things?

Dex: So it's not a needle?

Sophie: Of COURSE not!

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