Reaction: Camping

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Sophie: I love camping

Fitz: Camping?

Sophie: Yes. Where you live in a tent—

Biana: *gasps* In a TENT?

Sophie: Well, yes. That's the point

Biana: The POINT?

Marella: Oh dear

Fitz: Oh dear indeed

Keefe: I like tents

Keefe: Especially ones with lighter colors

Sophie: Why?

Keefe: ... No reason

Tam: Camping seems... outdoorsy

Linh: Seems nice!

Linh: Do we get to try?

Sophie: Ooh, yes, we should

Sophie: I'll ask Amy if she can borrow us her tent

*After calling Amy*

Sophie: Okay, here's this huge tent my parent bought some days ago. Whoops. Hope they don't notice.

Keefe: Wow, our girl is becoming more and more like a criminal!

Fitz: I don't think we want that

Keefe: Pshaw, that's nonsense

Sophie: ...Okay. Let's get ready

*Not more than sixteen days later. Because Biana insisted on packing seventy thousand hair products, not to mention the mascara and all that*

*At a camping site*

Biana: My haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair! Oh, the woes of HEAT!

Marella: I would say that she's overreacting, but I agree

Linh: Ugh, my hair is FRIZZY

Tam: You look hilarious

Linh: Stop! It!

Fitz: Haha, melodramatic girls

Fitz: And Keefe

Keefe: Ooh, nooooooo, why did we go caaaaaaaaaaampinggggg... my beautiful hair! Ooh, the Hair is ruined FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...

Sophie: I think this was a bad choice

Wylie: I mean, at least for them

Sophie: Yeah

Sophie: Well, everyone, I guess we can go to a Tim Horton's to—

Keefe, Biana, Marella and Linh: *runs off*

Sophie: —cool off

Fitz: Looks like we're all getting those playdough things

Sophie: Fitz, no one eats playdough

Fitz: Then... what are those dough things humans eat with the sprinkles and chocolate?

Sophie: Donuts, Fitz. Donuts.

Wylie: That was a pretty far off

Fitz: Ah well

Fitz: Let's go get some dough play

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