Reaction: Glasses

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Sophie: What?

Fitz: What do you mean what?

Keefe: What do you mean what do you mean what?

Linh: What do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what?

Marella: What do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what?

Dex: What do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what?

Wylie: What do you mean-

Tam: STOP!

Sophie: Sorry

Fitz: But what do you-

Fitz: *glances at a glaring Tam*

Fitz: Um... What was it?

Sophie: Reading glasses. For my perfect vision, by the way

Sophie: *flips hair*

Keefe: Reading?

Keefe: Glasses?

Sophie: For people who need them to read

Keefe: Who would need that?

Sophie: Old humans

Keefe: Reeeeaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyy...

Sophie: Yyyyyyeeeeeeeeeesssssss, Keefe

Keefe: Hey, only I talk like that

Everyone else: Reeeeaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyy?

Keefe: *pouts*

Linh: What is the glass for?

Sophie: They're actually-

Keefe: BLURRY!

Everyone else: Reeeeaaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyy?

Keefe: Oh, come on, guys


Keefe: What's wrong with glass?

Sophie: Glass-es are for when you eyes are bad

Sophie: Yours, I suspect, aren't

Keefe: Awww... Look! Foster's complimenting my eyes!

Fitz: She's not really

Sophie: BUT

Marella: What?

Sophie: If you wear them when you AREN'T SUPPOSED TO AHEM your eyes can get bad.

Keefe: La la la la la, I can't hear you!

Sophie: Your loss

Dex: I hope Keefe needs new glass

Sophie: Glasses

*Five days later*

Keefe: Hey guys

Tam: Where did you go for five days?

Keefe: Like my new look?

Sophie: *gasps*

Fitz: Is that...

Biana: GLASS!

Wylie: Aren't they glasses?

Sophie: Thank you, someone, for finally getting it right

Wylie: My name is Wylie

Sophie: Yes, I know. Sorry

Keefe: I got these prescibbled or whatever by this optimistic or someone-

Sophie: I'm pretty sure you mean that you got the glasses prescribed by an optometrist

Keefe: *snaps* That was it!

Sophie: But why?

Keefe: Things got blurry

Dex: Ahh, my wish come true

Tam: Me too. Me too.

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