Reaction: Wallets

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Sophie: Ugh, I need a wallet

Keefe: Sorry? A mallet?

Sophie: No! A wallet.

Keefe: I see.

Keefe: No I don't see. What's a wallet?

Fitz: Human things again?

Biana: Do you actually know what it is this time?

Sophie: Yes! Or else I wouldn't be wanting one

Marella: What does a wallet do? Wallop people?

Sophie: You wish

Marella: I really do

Dex: Well, 'wallet' does sound a lot like 'wallop'

Sophie: That's true

Sophie: And if you were really determined, you could wallop someone with a wallet

Marella: See!

Sophie: BUT. That's not what you use a wallet for

Sophie: It's for storing money

Sophie: And credit cards

Sophie: And debit cards

Dex: Wow, so much new human terminology

Wylie: I think my brain is going to explode

Dex: Me too

Linh: Why do people need such a thing

Sophie: Humans have a lot of paper bills and cards and things, not just a green square

Sophie: I already forgot what it's called

Fitz: *sighs* Oh, Sophie.

Fitz: Wait, I forgot what it's called too


Linh: Why do humans need such bulky things

Sophie: I don't know. They haven't mastered putting all their money in a cube like us

Linh: Ah. Well, they should. It's much nicer.

Sophie: I know. Poor humans

Dex: I still like their technology. It's hilarious.

Sophie: Okaay, then

Biana: Well, wallets are cool

Biana: If they're stylish, of course

Biana: Or else...

Biana: Yuck

Tam: I still prefer using them to wallop people

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