Reaction: Human schools

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Keefe: Hi Foster

Sophie: What are you doing here?

Keefe: I wanna go to school

Sophie: Wait, really?

Keefe: Of course not! Your human school, obviously.

Sophie: Not obviously. And no, you can't.

Keefe: Awwwww....

Dex: I wouldn't mind coming too, though.

Sophie: Where did you all come from?

Keefe: We just want to go to schooool

Sophie: N-

Everyone else: YES

Sophie: *groans*

Keefe: Is that a yes?

Sophie: No

Keefe: Then what is it?

Sophie: A-

Everyone else: YES

Biana: Look, now that you've totally said yes, let's go!

Fitz: Let's go change

Tam: I'm not in the mood for searching through your closet again for human clothes. Did anyone know it's the same size as half his room?

Fitz: Is not!

Dex, Wylie, Keefe and Tam: Is too!

Biana: Not to mention the hair products.

Fitz: That's not even in my closet!

Marella: I love all this gossip I'm getting for free, but honestly, just ditch the capes.

Sophie: Sure. We don't have all the time in the world.

Biana: Sure we do! We live for millions of years.

Sophie: I mean now.

Everyone else: *ditches their capes* We're waiting for you, Sophie

Sophie: *sighs and ditches her cape*

*A few minutes later*

*Everyone is pretending to be a human going to school*

Keefe: Whoa, this school is so small.

Dex: I know, right.

Schoolgirls: Hi, so are you new? We can show you around and-

Sophie: No, we're fine

Schoolgirls: Aww

Fitz: See, they like my hair. Now do you know why I need hair products?

Keefe: Nah, mine is better, naturally


Keefe: *babbling because no one understands him*

Sophie: Shush!


Sophie: Bye, Keefe *sweet wave*

Keefe: You know me, getting detention in every school I go to *leaves*

*After school*

Keefe: Detention was AWESOME

Keefe: No sirens

Keefe: No ball dancing

Keefe: No ironing

Keefe: Plain and blissful silence

Sophie: Well, how was school?

Everyone else: Euhh...

Sophie: See, I told you it'd be a bad idea

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