Reaction: KOTLC book series

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Sophie: Hey, Keefe pass me that book over there. I'm bored.

Keefe: *yelps*

Tam: What got Lord Hunkyhair- *yelps*

Linh: Tam? *yelps*

Fitz: Why is everyone- *yelps*

Biana: *yelps* ing?

Marella: Yea- *yelps*

Wylie: Honestly, people, I don't get why you're all- *yelps*

Sophie: *yelps* It's us!

Sophie: Y-yeah. Us. We're a book!

Sophie: *snatches Flashback*

Sophie: Wylie, Tam! We're on the cover!

Fitz: You're on every cover.

Keefe: Noticed. *holding Neverseen* Biana, why are you holding my arm?

Biana: Um...

Marella: Ooooh! Drama!


Dex: Hey, I'm on a cover too!

Sophie: So is Silveny!

Silveny: *in everyone's head* WHAT? ME? WHAT? SOPHIE OKAY?

Sophie: Yeah. We found that we're in a book!

Silveny: Book?

Sophie:Talk later.

Fitz: Am I even on a cover?

Keefe: Yeah. This one. *holding Everblaze*

Linh: Who can read this?

Tam: Sophie obviously.

Sophie: Right. It's in English.

Sophie: *begins reading* Hey... all this stuff actually happened! To us!

Keefe: What about the Great Gulon Incident?

Sophie: Never mentioned. I still want to know about it though...

Fitz: It was horrible.

Tam and Linh: Hey, we want to know too...

Biana: You don't.

Dex: Really don't.

Wylie: Agreed.

Sophie, Tam and Linh: *sighs* 

Sophie: I'll read about it and tell you all about it later, okay?

Keeper crew minus Sophie: Okay.

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