Reaction: Airplanes

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Sophie: Hey, guys, who wants to go to Hawaii?

Marella: Huh?

Sophie: You know, that paradise island in the middle of nowhere?

Keefe: Middle of nowhere?

Sophie: Okay, the middle of the Pacific

Keefe: That's somewhere


Sophie: Now who wants to go?

Everyone else: ME!

Sophie: Okay then, let's get disguised

Biana: Why?

Fitz: We look like- *Biana Vanishes* -oh yeah

Sophie: Okay, everyone except Biana can go change into some human clothes

Linh: We don't have any

Sophie: Well... I think I have some in my closet...

Marella: Okay, let's go raid Sophie's closet!

Sophie: Not you boys

Keefe: Aw man, you don't have anything for the Keefester?

Sophie: No, of course not. Do you think I wore boy clothes in the human world?

Fitz: Feel free to raid my closet, though. I think I have a few shirts...

Dex: Okay, I can't WAIT to mess everything up

Fitz: If what you see isn't messy enough, feel free to do whatever you wish *shrugs*

Biana: Oh, yeah. His closet looks like there was a typhoon a few minutes ago


Tam: A leaping crystal


Dex: YEAH!

Fitz: Here you- *Keefe snatches leaping crystal, grabs Dex, Wylie and Tam's hands and leaps away*

Fitz: -go

Sophie: What about you?

Fitz: Arg, Keefe!

*2 hours later*

Sophie: Are we ready yet?

Everyone else: Yup!

Sophie: Finally.

*Light leaps to an airport*

Everyone else: WHOA

A random woman passing by: *gawks*

Fitz and Keefe: *smiles*

The random woman: I was looking at that guy *points at Tam*

Fitz and Keefe: *looks at Tam funny*

Tam: *whispers in the Enlightened Language* Kill me please

Linh: *giggles*

Sophie: Let's go

*Everyone follows Sophie*

Sophie: Wait here. I'm going to buy tickets. Don't make trouble. *Goes away*

Keefe: *grins mischievously* Let's see about THAT *follows Sophie*

*15 minutes later*

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